At this point this is a ridiculous sales post… I’m basically giving this away to fund progression. I can’t believe it.
Help me build things to help you! Buy this board!
I completely reconstructed a battery and I don’t like to sell used batteries but I have personally been riding this 12s6p 30q that I personally rebuilt for weeks now with no issue. I just need it gone so I can finish building my CNC
Dude I just bought one almost exactly like this! I would have totally bought this!
Pics or it doesn’t count.
I’ll refer some local buddies of mine to this listing. This is a great board, I’d totally buy it if I didn’t already have one.
Which seahorse case is that?
Is that a lanceair painted to look like a warbird?
Dream plane right there. If I only had an extra mil for a turbo pro! I’ll have to settle for a piston plane
Same here haha!
… I think I could last about 5mins before I just HAD to try pulling the aircraft around using the board, I imagine it would be so satisfying
Not entirely a derail. OP wanted to see my board. Nonetheless, would love a plane thread.
I could be wrong but I don’t believe I asked to see a plane. Maybe call that thread something like, “this is so plane”
The 241 I think. I’ll have to look.
2300 with the current 12s6p 30q
Just kidding… wrong post… everyone act cool… the fuzz is coming.