I know, I’ve just been trying to get in contact with him for weeks.
Alrighty, done with final exams so I can give some solid effort to my lacking forum engagement now, gonna get to checking any DM’s I’ve gotten, also adding some miscellaneous parts and editing prices to the original post
Quick Update: Added Omni esk8 carbon deck, madwheels, bn270’s, and evolve hubs with pulleys. Dropped prices all around
Also removed anything that has been sold or that I’m unsure about, more to come as the weeks go on and I see what I have sitting around.
Bump, freerchobby vesc has been SOLD!
Might list some belts and miscellaneous little stuff if anyone needs
Bumparoo, hoyt 5 inch hubs, tires, and the undrilled mad 105’s have been solddd!!!
Starting some time tomorrow I’m gonna be visiting home, should be back and selling stuff some time early into January. For now Im gonna just ship out whatevers been purchased and go from there