(WTS)(US,DC) Clearing House (Prices are Negotiable)

Anyone need a battery or some stormcores? I might know a guy :wink:

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One stormcore has been SOLD one more remaining, also still got that mboards heatsink if needed

Stormcores are gonezo! Still got that 12s4p chilling, lmk what charging port you need and I’ll solder it for free, just pay for the port :slight_smile:

How much for the bn 270s?

Plans have changed, thinking I may hang on to them for the time being, ill lyk if anything changes tho

Still got tons of wheels collecting dust in my closet, any takers?

Bumpity bump, still got those hoyt 5’s for cheap if anyone’s in the market for a set. If that price is a sticking point feel free to send me a DM, worst I can say is no!

Quick update, marked both stormcores as SOLD since @AlexHan scooped those up recently.

Guess this is basically just another bump at this point, as always hmu if you see something ya like. I still have those Hoyt 5’s and that Tomiboi large segmented enclosure chilling in a drawer

Bump bump bump! Had to salvage some cans from the zoobomb 6384’s so those are no longer for sale but I still got the other maytech motors, also still got those hoyt 5’s and bergs chilling a drawer, hmu y’all I’d love to get these in the hands of someone who’ll ride em more

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quick little bump, adding some additional stuff in the near future along with tweaking some prices

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Update: eboardsperu 12s4p is SOLD, tomiboi segmented enclosure is pending, rest is still up for grabs folks! Order now and you can take a 5 dollar discount on any of the wheels, 10 for the hoyt 5’s :slight_smile:

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Update: Tomiboi segmented enclosure is gonezo! Still got plenty of goodies if anyone’s in the market.

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Still available?

Yup still got em :slight_smile:

Quick update, yanked the boosted for now, might repost it later. Removed some other miscellaneous items, updated any items that have been sold, and added some price drops (5 bucks for both the Boas and cloudwheels, down to 250 for the hoyt 5 inches, and down a few bucks on most of the motors)

Might be more to come, not sure yet.

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Great, how can I nab those from you?

Still have Carbon vx4?

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What motors are left?

It’s like he reads these responses and doesn’t answer :joy:

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He responded and shipped my vx4 quickly… it is thanksgiving.