I’ve got a pair of reacher 6485’s, 205Kv. The sensors are blown on both, so I was running them with HFI and they were fine. Shafts were cut for Boardnamics drives.
I stopped using them after some kind of ESC fault threw me off my board at 30mph. I never found a smoking gun, and all my testing showed these motors are fine so
When I first installed the motors, I wired the sensors wrong and sent 5V down the temp sense line or something. Totally my fault. I trusted that the sensor wires would follow the color convention of other BLDC motors, which they do not.
The ESCs did not report any faults, so I never found out for sure. I was just riding along my normal commute and my board locked up. Investigated everything I could think of, dyno-tested the board. Never could reproduce it, and never found a smoking gun. So no evidence that it’s the motor’s fault, but also no evidence to the contrary. Hence why I’m marking these “as-is.”
Trampa VESC6 MK3’s
12s battery
90A motor amps per side
60A battery amps per side
Board was geared for ~35mph, locked up at ~30mph