[WTS] NOT Done building (updated)

If you sanding it down, you’ll have less surface area to get hot. Just saying



Come pick up some stuff if you want to build another board for denver

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I’ll never forget the bench grinding incident.


He needs to copy it over for shits and giggles.

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That will also make it a lot stronger.

An aeronautics engineer was sitting in a bar drinking, apparently very sad.
A drunk guy next to him asked him what his problem was but the engineer dismissed him.
After a few minutes the drunk guy asked him again but the same thing happened.
A few rounds after the drunk guy asked again. This time the engineer had apparently loosened up due to the booze and told him that he had a big problem at work and that if he couldn’t find a solution he would be fired the next day.
The drunk guy asked what was the problem.
The engineer told him that they were developing a new experimental plane but they had a continuous problem with fatigue fracturing at the wing to fuselage connection that he was in charge of designing.

The drunk then said : “That’s easy, just drill tiny evenly spaced little holes right along the path where the fracture appears and the problem will go away.”

The engineer thought he was kidding, but after a few more drinks and with nothing to lose he went back to the company and had the workers open holes as the drunk guy told him.
Surprisingly it worked, the wing never fractured at the wing root again. Years later the engineer met the drunk again at the bar, and asked how he came up with that idea.
The engineer told him it was easy, just think of toilet paper, it never tears at the perforations either.


Where the fuck are you getting all these jokes? lol


I am a man of many talents.
Disclaimer : Lambada dancing is not one of them.


Don’t let that stop you though. You should see my drunk macarena


Clutter fūckęrs, get off my sale thread


Don’t you dare flag me or I will send the boys round


I don’t flag shit


You should thank us for keeping it at the top.
I will send the invoice for our services tomorrow.


Deleted the message because it wasn’t meant for you.


How did you burn the 2nd, 3rd and 4th vesc? All in the same way or 4 different ways?


Not necessarily burnt, I briked one, other 2 didn’t work, flashing red during motor detection and doesn’t run, and other blew up.


Seems like 3 are easily fixable. Take a deep breath, go for a run and don’t think about it for a couple of days. Ask members and figure out how to fix them yourself.

Always remember that people who have it easy now, made their fair share of mistakes in the past.


I’m finna take a long break from building

100% true it took me till my 4th build to get a board that ran with no issues. On my first few I was opening them up at least once a week to fix something.


I’ve made 3 boards in the past that actually worked, I’m just not lucky with the 4th

4 is the lucky number. My 4th personal build is pretty much perfect even if I do say so myself. Still managed to miss a shrink lock on a phase wire though. Now I use that as a benchmark for future builds because the set up works and has done for 8 months. It’ll fucking blow up now I’ve said that. lol