[WTS] [Germany/Europe] Three new VESC 4.12


I want to sell these three VESC 4.12.
I need a little bit of rent money :sweat_smile:
I bought them 2 months ago and never used/tested them.
Price per controller 45€

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!! :slight_smile:


How much shipping would cost for 2 of these to France?

Hey man, sorry for the delay. Shipping would cost between 5€ and 9€, depending on the padding in the package.

price per controller now 40€

I’m tempted…but its flipsky…

Let me recheck the size if my enclosure tomorowish and i might take them

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Sorry mate i’m 5~10mm short. That won’t work for me

ýou don’t need all the small caps. you can use a bigger one sideways and save space.

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Hi, still for sale?

Is this still available?


Still for sale?

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Still for sale?

I wouldn’t count on it. OP hasn’t posted on this thread in almost 2 years.

Actually I’m going to close this thread as there’s no point of it being active. If he has them and reads your message he can message you still