WTS [EU] Trampa vesc 6 MKV, flipsky 6374, deck and more

Need money so i am selling my mountain board for parts, all parts are lightly used and have been used for probably less than 50km since i built the board

If anybody wants to buy the complete board it’ll be available for a little while before i part it out

Theres a bit of dust and dirt on the board but anything sold will be taken apart and cleaned :stuck_out_tongue:

Battery :warning: only for local pickup, cant be shipped

Price can be discussed, you pay shipping. Everything gets sent from Norway :norway:

Open me 👉👈



Price must be listed.

Can also have “OBO” which means “or best offer”, but a price must still be listed.


the price is listed in the spreadsheet selling price for the 4 parts available, aswell as the whole board

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Oh duh, I didn’t see that. LOL

Whoops my bad

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no bait yet so ill lower the price a bit


I’d buy this right now if I hadn’t just bought a Obsbot Tail I found on Ebay.
I wonder what it’s cost to ship to the states (Hypothetically assuming you’d consider it)- the batteries I imagine are the bulk of the weight - so it wouldn’t be 40 pounds or anything… Although just box & guts would add a bit i assume…
I’ve shipped Golf clubs before but never international.

Cool board man. My time will come :wink:

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thanks, there doesnt seem too much interest so ive taken it apart and will sell it for parts from now, price adjustment tomorrow

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I am interested in the truck / wheels / motor mount bundle, the deck, and the motor… If shipping isn’t too bad. Sending you a PM


these parts sold to @Charclo

yall i also got these goofy ass escs

12 eur a pop

and fsesc 4.12 for 24 eur

@xsynatic all done here, can be :lock:

These gone?


the escs? i threw them in the trash

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im taking one out of my hub board this weekend to replace it with a vesc if u need one for some reason

I want the VESC 6!