VESC 4.12 DirectFET
Description: Made by polish company, used for my e-longboard project. I made less than 100km, never had problems with this one. Used with large heatsink (not included) in BLDC mode. PCB is in good shape, just have flux residues. I’m selling it because I no longer driving on this board - using ebike instead.
Price (EUR): €90 + shipping from Poland
Price seems a bit steep for a V4 vesc, but GLWTS!
Interesting FET placement, are the big caps included? Wish ya fair sale
I cannot agree with you. This controller is something between v.4 and v.6. Based on Ollin DirectFET controller. It have full FOC capability, 345A peak, 60A continuous.
Old thread about this controller: V4.12 Direct VESC - OllinBoardCo
I paid for this one €125 when it was new. It’s still on warranty, but until December 2020.
Used FET’s: AUIRF7749L2TR
Yes, including standard bank of 3 caps. Unfortunately I don’t have a photo of them. If someone is interested I can send more photos / details.
Focbox are going for 80/100€ per unit and they are still reputed to be one the best single esc there
And yours need some work, soldering cables, capacitor and heatshrink
Good luck with your sale
This is a 2 shunt design, its definatly a v.4. fancier FETs doesn’t make it a v.6
I see, well lots of things changed since I left the topic of esk8 year ago.
I don’t want to be greedy, didn’t know there are better and cheaper solutions right now. I got a lot of help from this forum (and back when it was @Balta_6 Can you propose a fair price for this piece of rare technology?
It’s hard to tell because you say it’s not you regular 4.xx vesc…
I would say 60 perhaps ? I would by a 4.xx vesc for 50€ but this is different
Yeah, to be clear - did I mention it is a new device?
I made mistake on early design of my enclosure. This coil got damage from unglued small heatsink. I changed heatsinks later to another one. This device worked under 8S battery and 30A constant…
This thing near “?” is a uncleaned flux. @linsus I can send photos of cleaned PCB with IPA in Thursday.
Lowering price to €60 - yeah it isn’t look great on photos, but design is uncommon.
– sorry for double reply, but I don’t know how to edit posts
VESC is sold. Thread can be closed. Thanks for intrest.