WTS: Cheap FOCer 2 SPRUSI revision

sorry for my late reply.
@therealschnebs You can get one by messaging (PM) me, in case you are too new let me know I will message you first. I have a couple left :slight_smile:

@kevingraehl PM me please some pictures to first asses if they are repairable. In most cases if the PCB is damaged it is not repairable, some small defects can be fixed but that is pretty rare since most VESCs if burned are burned a lot around MOSFETs and other high power areas.

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BTW: I still have the partial ones. Surprisingly enough, since they are ready to be mounted on a custom heatsink enclosure. There were a couple people that asked about dimensions and considered them too tall, maybe that could be a solution to the height

Naever really used the esk8 forum before so not sure how to PM. Sorry. But if you still have some FOCers I am interested.

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I tried to do that. I found a different way to message, but it then says I can’t message him?

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You might have too new of an account. Start looking at different threads and scrolling through them for more read time.


Hi, New member so I don’t have PM rights yet. Can you PM me please. I’d like to pick up 2 units.


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sure I will PM you right away. I have 5 or 6 units left.


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Great work on the assembly Martin I went with bbuying mine assembled from china 4 of my 5 have issues. Diode inverted bad DRV chips. I wish this was on offer at the time. They are on the back burner with the dead focboxes I need to fix. shamen did an amazing job.


Hi, new member here. I really like to get one of those. Can you PM me? I am from Slovakia. Hope you still got some :slight_smile:


Hey, I’m also a new user, and I’d be interested in purchasing one if you still have them in stock. :slight_smile: Can you PM me?


Hi @MartinSp do you have any left in stock?

I know it is probably too late to respond @Minimadness but for anyone who would like to know, I do not have any more of these unfortunately.

I’m very much behind schedule with my switches so I’m focusing on that at the moment. Hardware is re-done from scratch last year and now the firmware. I want to add a lot of features that I thought of after hardware design and now I can not fit them all in the devices memory :grinning: I need to sort the code out somehow… I will post about this later :slight_smile:

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Hi Martin,
Do you have any eta about this focers you made?
I would like to try this version

sorry but I dont have any on hand anymore. :confused:
But thank you for your interest. :slight_smile: As of now I dont plan on remaking these. I have too many projects started at one time, sorry.

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