(WTS)[CAD] Charger/BMS, 6355 Motors, Urethane and Moreeeee

Everything listed is for sale, shoot me PMs for bundles or more/better pictures, sold items will be marked as such. All prices include G&S, but exclude shipping. Shipping from N0L1R0, Ontario, Canada.

All electronics are tested and working but used, drivetrain components are used but in working order.

Item Name Quantity Price in CAD for all quantity
43.8V (12s Li-Iron) Wate 8A (400W) (120 XLR connector) with free XLR Panel mount connector 1 50
Daly 12s Li-Iron BMS (10A Charge, 20A Discharge)[Free with purchase of Wate charger] 2 10
Boardnamics Raw 220mm Hangar with Fixed Axles 1 40
90mm 78A Popocas including bearings 4 50
**Unobtanium** Torqueboards 110mm 78A (No chunks, no core delamination, including bearings) 4 80
Open Style Maytech 6355 2 80
Weller Style 60W Soldering Iron 1 40
Open Style Maytech 6355 2 80
Torqueboards 6355 2 100

Soldering Iron and Hangar Pics

Wheel and motor pics

Charger and BMS Pics

Notes: One of the maytech 6355 has a noisy bearing, has run problem-free for 1000km as-is but priced accordingly.


I’ll take the VESCs and torqueboards 6355s if you send a vid of power on + motor rotation

I’m out for work but if you can wait until Saturday I can have a video of them spinning.

I can wait

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I appreciate it, will get that to you ASAP, ideally late Friday night but Saturday morning at the latest.

whats shipping to nyc for tb110?

Sorry man I’m just getting back home now, let me toss them in a box and a scale and I’ll have that to you by after work tomorrow. Im guessing about $30CAD.

Edit: I got it done faster ;p Yeah its $32CAD to NYC. Let me know if you still want them.

ok ill take the tb110s. curious how many miles on them tho.

I want to say 1500-2000km on them, theyre still 109.5mm so I haven’t actually lost any urethane and no core delamination. Ill take it to PM.