wtf my 12s battery is suddenly flat

Oh man this is not my week.
The stormcore in my rkp board exploded so I thought I’d go for a rip on my dkp board but the battery in it is completely flat!

I have no fucking idea how this happened.

Maybe the board didn’t turn itself off?

What esc?

Focbox Unity

If the antispark failed it’s definitely possible that it didn’t turn off

If you have another battery you can test it to see if it turns off

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As a matter of fact I do.
Plugged it in let’s see if it turns itself off…


Just try turn it off with the switch. If it works, the antispark is fine

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aw man, sorry about that. I have two boards that have been sitting at home for months, and I’m terrified that they’re flat. I’m up ijn college and can only check on them every so often.

Yeah switch works fine. Well… the led on the switch doesn’t work because the wire got pulled off a long time ago but i’ve never bothered about that since the board turns itself off anyway
…and testing leaving the board on for half an hour it’s turned itself off so that works too.
There must have been some current leak somewhere but I can’t imagine what it was.
I thought the LTT and the foxbox didn’t have problems with vampire loads.

That’s $1000 in skate stuff that has spontaneously destructed this week.

Fuck me.


Oh man, I’m so sorry to hear this. You’re way too good of a human for this to happen to. Sending hugs your way buddy.


What happened to your Stormcore?

Yeah like the pack is 4.5V instead of 40.5V.
There’s no charging a pack that’s gone that low. Even if you shocked it back to life you stand a good chance of eventually burning your building down.

Read the whole sad story holy fucking shit my board just caught fire

Dude it is just really not your week huh. Sorry to hear man.

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Glad you were there when things started happening. For sure, that could’ve been way worse. My battery is a 12s12p 72t 18t and I’ve been using a Stormcore 60D+ for awhile now with settings above the recommended standard and ( knock on wood) things have been ok. It’s frustrating to hear stories about fires, but I have to wonder is it always the Stormcore or something else, helping to cause the damage…EX: motors leads connecting to ESCs left exposed. I wrapped electrical tape around anything exposed as a just in case thing.

When my board is sitting around, I sometimes wonder is something going to happen, especially when I’m not at home. Well, I hope Lacroix at least answers you back soon and talk things out.

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The LLT has a non trivial draw afaik or they did. Could be a bad unit?


Have you checked voltage on the battery itself? @ series connections. Not off balance. Curious if your bms failed and is restricting current. Just spit ballin

Nvm. You right.