WTF happend with my unity? (overvoltage error)

Same with module removed and connected by USB

Here is a pic, the pins in the red circle are shorted but looking at the datasheet they are both GND so didn’t care about that

Did someone change the DRV8301?

Look like there a short on it

After a closer look, I’m pretty sure there more than one

Hmm yea really hard to tell tbh the protective gunk they put on really makes it hard to be sure imo. I haven’t changed it and got it new from enertion but cant trust the qc there.

Really look like something had been reworked. My guess would probably be that a cold solder joint as broke. I’ve seen similar anomaly on other DRV when the Ground pad under it isn’t properly solder in place.

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Hmm will see if I can reflow both tomorrow when I get home from work then.

yes this 2.4V explains the problem. very interesting. Is the bigger drv getting warm?

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jepp they are both getting really hot

so you probably have a partial short across 5v somewhere, something pulling too much amps and hitting thermal throttling of the voltage regulator. If you have anything plugged in unplug it and confirm that the voltage stays at 2.4. Then you’d have to start looking at things on the unity to see where the short is occuring, luckily not too much stuff sits on the 5v bus.

My first step would be to de-pop the 3v3 regulator and confirm that 5v line stays low at 2.4v:

It’s super big and easy to lift off if you have a hot air gun. If you don’t have hot air gun just lifting up this first leg in green will disconnect 5v from the regulator.

If 5v stays low then its something on 5v bus if it goes back to normal its something on 3v3.


Thanks will remove it right away to see. Got a hot air station :slight_smile: Just a side note none of the pins of the DVRs seems shorted bought a good magnifying glass today and checked.

Also this crossed my mind. When I was out and the bolt snapped i tried to unplug one motor so I could ride on the other one home but it wouldn’t work. The remaining motor would be really weak and spin pretty slow

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Well fuck… Just binned the esc cause I was stupid.

When removing the regulator the solders on the circuit next to it shorted and I missed it. When I connected the bat it just shot sparks and even the traces is blow up so cant just swap it out.
Seems like this will be it. :sob:


The cycle of life continues, some will live, some will die.

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ima pour out a 40


rip in peace