[WTB - US] Wide hubs wanted

Title says it all. I want to get some wide hubs that will fit some Xcell and/or Phatty tires. Color doesn’t matter much cause I will paint later.

Not a massive fan of the stuff in production IMO so I just want to see what people have.

New or good condition used is preferred.


I’ve been testing some ultra wide newbee hubs. The internal width is 92 mm. It is the dm1 with a 3d printed spacer between. They’ve been fine so far for me but I haven’t had the time to test them further. Lmk if you’re interested and we can chat!

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I have a set of Kaly Hell Cat Wides. but I believe they are as wide as a Tommy Boi Hubba.

I guess they are supposed to go with the Phatties.

@MichaelWA has some raw newbees he might let go?

What tires are you using with those widened hubs?

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I’m not a massive fan of the dm1 but if I can’t find anything else I’ll be sure to message you.

Would you be able to measure the diameter (not of the lip) and the width between lips?


9x3.5 inch go kart tires

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Here you go.

pm sent

The widest off-the-shelf wheel I know of is Trampa’s Deep Dish Megastar 9.

I’m pretty sure the width is 3" if measured from the outsides of the flanges. I’m using them with 8x3 kart tires, and the combo works pretty well, but they still have a much more rounded profile than I was hoping for.

They might work with 3.5 tires if you can tolerate some sidewall bulge, or fabricate a spacer to widen them a bit further.


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I can let go of a set of these for a lot less than retail.

In my opinion, they’re the sweet spot for width. They don’t overstretch the tires, just enough to create a good patch.

Hey everyone. Thanks for all the offers. I found a set though.

Pls close @xsynatic
Thank you

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