(Wtb) (uk) drv8301

Hi everyone i recently picked up a bkb xenith with a fried drv8301 chip.
I no this is doubtful given the shortage but has anyone got 1 kicking around they would be willing to part with? Or where i could possibly find one? Ive looked on mouser, digikey etc and there expected stock is 2023 which is madness.

Thought i got lucky on ebay with one but unfortunetly got a message saying they had calculated stock wrongly and cancelled my order.

Thanks for any help

welcome to the IC shortage


Maybe a long shot but can you get the chip from a broken vesc?

If you have 1 laying around? The guy i got the xenith from ended up giving me a full refund and said i can keep it so result for that just a shame i cant get a chip to fix it.


I know someone with a couple dead vescs
Will ask him if he can spare 1

Kool thats great. Hopefully fruitful. Not sure how easy it would be to remove one of these to be able to reuse it? From what ive seen they look pretty hard to remove?

You need hotair and patience, if you never done it before I’d get 2 or 3 DRVs :smiley:


If you don’t have any hot air soldering experience, it’s gonna be a doozy. Just wait untill 2023, it will be here before you know it :wink:

I have hot air roof welding experience does that count haha. Id happily let someone on here do it if they had the chip to start with. Well if nothing comes to light ill sit on it. Its only for a second board so not exactly in a rush.


Not sure if there is any compatibility, but I have faulty a flipsky 4.20 plus.

East London free to grab if you need!

It counts, but only because it’s the roof one

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That sounds like a tempting offer. I have just looked them up online and from what i can see they use a drv 8302 chip. Could you possibly show a picture of the front to confirm? Dont think they are compatible?

Happy to help!