Would you buy an antispark? UPDATE: All antisparks have been sold

Loopkeys are simple, cheap and reliable.
I would still buy an antispark for the simple reason that it looks a lot cleaner to have a button on the enclosure instead of a loopkey.

Show me one that has 0 power consumption in the off state and can handle 200A @ 12S and I’ll happily pay up to 50$ for it.
Bulk manufacturing can most likely lower the price to 30$ depending on the components used.


The issue is most of us have used anti spark switches and been Promised there reliable for then to fail a couple of months later. Every time the seller you bout then from refuse to replace them so you just install a loopkey.

If you can’t be arsed to back your own product then give it to some one that’s would


And then ignoring pm’s offering to, just show your a bitter person that expects to be served every thing on a plate when simultaneously bitching about the people serving you.


What PMs? I’ve gotten none. No one is serving me. In fact I’ve helped others by pointing out why other people’s previous antisparks failed in the first place and providing tips on how to avoid those problems

You sound like the one complaining.


Yeah… If you think wanting money for your work makes you bitter, you’ve probably had a nice life :kissing_heart:

The assumption that he’s gotten PM’s willing to pay is also kinda a dick move. Where did he say he’s gotten them or people posted that they’ve sent them?


I just did.

Waiting for @Gamer43 Input so we can move forward.

Also for reference, we had a chat back in October 2019 exactly about pricing these “Antisparks from hell” as I called them back then.

I’m a gentleman however, I don’t give in posting PM in public, that’s a call for shitshow. PM are PM for a fucking reason, I hope more people here learn that basic.


Huh. I’ve truly never considered PM’s on a public clearnet forum as anything close to private… so I don’t feel the need to treat them as such. Mainly because they’re near always inherently unsecure. As some people learned in an olden place…

I’m probably a minority with regards to that thought though.


Keeping this forum’s PMs private is a rule we have on the forum, just FYI (looking out for ya bud).


P.S. @BillGordon We should really have a topic named “Forum rules” because it’s pretty hard to find the one I linked just now. I blame ourselves for having to explain to new people basic stuff like including prices and photos when selling stuff.


Yes, good point. I just renamed it to “Current Forum Rules”, and thanks for pointing that out.


Hi all, so update, I talked with Timo and we still have 15 units from the prototype run, I will let you all know shortly on the details for purchasing one if you are interested.

Unfortunately, due to shipping restrictions because of the virus, we can only ship them to the US.




Shit is shipping round the world still brother.

In the words of Timo, “with massive delays”.


Who cares? What’s your aim? Do you want to get this off the ground or are you giving up?


I will buy one right now :grin: just pm me details and email so I can send the money :smiley:

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I don’t get to choose where they get shipped.



Theres a market for this switch. I’m not sure of the arrangements but what a shame.

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We happen to have 15 units renaming from the prototype run, and I am helping to distribute them to people who want them to the best of our abilities.

Unfortunately, they cannot ship to locations outside of the US, (they ship form taiwan). I did not make this decision.


Pm me, I’m interested :grin:

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Will let you know as soon as I have the details, will probably be a couple of days.


I’ll take one too. You can send it with @DEEIF’s to make it easier.