Worst accident since I started esk8ing

Legality shouldn’t really matter here since that hole was a hazard to everyone and anyone could have gotten hurt from it not being clearly marked. Also I think that area would count as private property so even if esk8 isn’t legal on public roads it wouldn’t matter.

As to why it can be called a hazard to everyone: it is foreseeable that if you suddenly add a hole in a place that is usually flat, and you don’t mark it, then someone is going to not notice it and fall into it. Kind of similar to how grocery stores bolt all the shelves down to the ground for safety. Sure, you shouldn’t really climb the shelves, but that wouldn’t make it your fault if you did and ended up crushed to death. It would still be the store’s fault legal wise for not taking measures to secure the shelves.
I have watched way too many youtube videos covering liability. All of which were made by a catastrophic personal injury lawyer

sorry to see this, i had a simalar crash, if you went down on your hip AND you start to get swelling that doesnt go away in a few weeks,dont ignore it. i broke 4 ribs, my thumb and severe concussion, THEN i got a cyst on my hip the size of the largest grapefruit anyone ever saw,not cool, had to have 2 surgeries because i ignored it. heal up.

Man i used to get stuck on the couch like a turtle with my broken ribs, trained my dog to help out

Thank you guys for the words of empathy, I feel better now, the pain is still there but at least, after 3 days, it’s somewhat manageable.

I’m the president of the building so I guess I need to file a demand against myself LOL. The contractor was the responsible but I don’t feel like filing a demand to be honest, the good thing is that the gas piping curb was removed due safety and obvious reasons and will be installed in a less dangerous place.


Damn. Glad to hear you’re feeling better man. Hope it’s a speedy recovery.

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Heal up @eBoosted. Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

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fellow mark biter i see

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I had a similar fall two nights ago, in my complex, there’s this uphill that leads to my building, and after the concrete ramp, the corner is covered with tiles. It must’ve been some heavy machinery work that caused one of the tiles to come out of the ground. I was walking my dog as usual, and unbeknown to me, the extruded tile got stuck between my 90mm thane and the ground, and I was launched forwards with almost no time to react cause I was focusing on my dog. Immediately I raised my right arm (I ride goofy) and prevented my unprotected head from bashing onto the road; as my right hip impacted the ground first, my right knee and right elbow followed suit. Fortunately, I wasn’t going very fast, only about 30km/h, and I think the fact that I landed on tiles, which made me skid across the floor, saved my ass a fair bit by flattening out the momentum.

IMO the key takeaway here is always to be prepared for the environment, even in familiar ones. Almost all of my accidents were at familiar places due to the environmental change (new potholes, new bumps etc.), and I wasn’t prepared/cared to be careful. In unfamiliar environments, we become vigilant and relaxed on familiar roads or environments because we’ve done it so often that we expect no danger. Especially given that at night, the chances of these accidents caused by unvigilant riding are way higher since the visibility is already relatively low.


i was going 36 when i crashed, i have this life long habbit ,it has been reinforced fro motorcycle track days(you cant lay on the track,you will get run down), if i fall i get up immedeatly, and try to not “be hurt” I know this sounds crazy, it makes me stupid not “tuff” so please dont read "internet tough guy "in to this. I immedeately got up, got on my board and rode what i think is 1/16th of a mile. i was wearing a sk8 full helmet(switched to mc after) the litteral red blooming fireworks in my vision and extreem dizzyness made me stop.I am pretty lucky that i didnt fall again. i had a hard time calling my gf and had to give a very vauge description of my location.
i have crashed a lot in 49 years of life. im using an ultra light snell rated motorcycle helmet now,far more protection,yes its bigger, but i probably have 12 concussions from my love of crashing and getting kicked/kneed in my grill(sparing).
ill give away my spare snell rated rf1000 shoei helmet for shipping to anyone who wants it . medium black with white checker stripe down the middle, full face helmets are the shit.

Im using Tomiboi spring bindings, i know some day ill crash and dislocate a knee, but i can stop and bunny hop with them, they have saved me a few times.

i hope you feel better “Mr. President”


Yikes! So sorry to hear about your fall and I hope you heal up quickly. I had a similar fall and cracked two ribs and it seemed like it took forever to heal, so now I always wear a chest protector with flank armor. Hindsight is always 20/20. So glad to hear you were wearing a helmet. I also wear a motorcycle helmet as I learned the value of that while riding, or rather falling off of my motorcycle. Thanks for sharing this. It’s a needed reminder for me to be extra careful, especially in familiar situations as it seems like that’s where I get caught off guard


Wishing you a Merry Xmas and speedy recovery! That impact was like getting blind sided by Lawrence Taylor in his hay day…

I have this same habit although it isn’t from racing or anything like that. not entirely sure where it came from tbh At most after a really bad fall I take maybe 30 seconds of thinking something along the lines of “fuck that hurt” or “way to go idiot” before getting right back up. :rofl:

Which is probably why I rarely have other people stop to see if I’m okay or not. It really is better to stay down longer purely for making it more likely for someone to come and help you out.

Also I wouldn’t say you’re stupid for doing that. Habits like that are hard to break, and even harder to break when they were formed for a good reason originally. I do agree that people in general shouldn’t try and force themselves to get up asap though. Would suck to do that with a broken leg and end up displacing the bone to the point it become an open fracture.


Yeah you know it’s a bad one when you feel the need to roll the jeans up and check, before “waking it off” :joy: been there

(It only turned out to be ankle ligaments)


Ooof that sounds bad. Makes me glad I don’t have to worry about breaking bones unless I really fuck up. your bones/ joints are weakest in rotation which is when most breaks occur. My joints don’t like to work properly so they allow for hyper extension and protect my bones. downside is they can over rotate with no good reason and cause pain randomly

The closest I’ve been to that is checking my shoulder after a fall where it had felt like I had fallen on it too. Turned out I didn’t so much as touch the ground with it and instead I almost dislocated it/ would have dislocated if healthy. The burns on my arm helped me later figure everything out and explained why it felt as if I had fallen on the shoulder.

I was really glad for my questionable joints since I had fallen at the same time the orthopedic doctor closed and I would have had to pay for urgent care or ER to relocate it which would have been more expensive and have a lower quality of care overall.

Pro tip for everyone: look up your local orthopedic doctors and figure out which ones do same day visits for emergencies. That way you know before hand who to call/ go to and don’t waste time looking it up after an injury.

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The walking it off thing is a funny reaction so many of us seem to have. I keep meaning to implement like a coffee or standard practice with my skate group because we’re often barely shouting distance from each other in a big park. I was thinking “2 hands up if you’re good and no one needs to worry, 1 have if you’re gonna take a sec or could use help, no hands if you’re fucked”. People can see from a distance, you don’t need to try and decipher like thumbs up or small/complicated gestures, moving your arm is one of the simpler motions for most folks, and also if you’re in trouble you don’t need to be able to say or move anything

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