Wood burn or some kind of stain mark removal?

I have no idea what the correct category would be for this but seeing how it’s a DIY board :man_shrugging:Plz move it if it’s wrong

Does anyone know how to remove these yellow marks? I think they are burn marks from the bottom of the deck sitting on rubber and it moving back and forth, maybe creating some kinda rubber burn mark idk

Any idea how or if I can remove? Or it’s a lost cause and I need to send it to get senderized or something :- (


My $0.02:

As soon as you start riding the board, it’s going to get scuffs, scratches, and dings. Just finish the build and ignore it :crazy_face:



:microscope: doesn’t work on my phone so can’t see sorry
What Brian said. It’s a skateboard. Not a museum piece or show car…?


that is the 3rd option that I’ll probably go with, but want to exhaust the first option of removal

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I literally can’t see them an I zoomed.
Wood is a natural product is it just variation in the grain ?


These might be better

Is it the dark smudgy bits? Grubby fingerprints?
Don’t think it will cause the axles to fall out,so you’re prob. good to go??


the marks are exactly where it was sitting on a rubber base, and I had to really push down on the board while I was drilling something, so I think the force created some kind of mark

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yea the dark smudgy bits, I tried to clean it so I don’t think fingerprints

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Maybe you have dented / crushed the wood fibres a little bit? They’re soft so can mark

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If you don’t care about the graphic then you can try sanding the bottom, otherwise maybe try a degreaser?


I’ll try a degreaser and see how that goes

so far I’ve just tried toothpaste and baking soda…did not work

and rubbing alcohol

thank you for degreaser idea

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I’ve gotten stains out of wood using howards restore a finish but if you were planning on sealing the wood or urethane it, it won’t adhere after I think


I wasn’t, I like the natural look

I’ll order some

thank you

Get some feed n wax too, makes it last and water protects a bit

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paint the board? :man_shrugging:t2:

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nail polish remover seems to be working pretty well

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This sounds like the thing where you go too far and create more damage cleaning it up rather than just leave it :rofl:

Learn to fall better and the stains wont bother you for sure!


When you send it to sender why not have him dye the wood? He turned my “blonde” vanguard to this on the bottom:



I figure that would get rid of the discoloration :thinking:


Lol after your first ride you may find some more dings and scratches, if you don’t want to polish your board after every ride for an hour I suggest to learn to live with it. Patina tells better stories than high gloss finish.