Winter is coming

If there was enough snow here I would enclose the belts, did joke with the guys at Bajaboard about using a plow from a kids ride-on to clear the way - I hit a ‘road ice boulder’ on my frist ride out lol

I had forgotten about this one , still surprised I made it thru that depth, totally not intended - the solid path was much closer in my head :blush:


What did she use? A Walkman and a bic pen??

Planning on a cover up?

@Itsmedant Full grown tat machine. It was her first.
Later on, you get to this with her

Not covering it up. I never regret a tat no matter how bad it can be :slight_smile:
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Making boards weatherproof is definitely more difficult. It makes regular esk8-building look like analog sk8 in comparison. The way you have to do things is very different.

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Seemed to work. Gnarly, using nails in the deck for foot traction. Doesn’t look like he built it to run more than a couple of days though.

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I bought the mbs 9” ones, I think they are about $15 a corner

I picked up other ones second hand and unused, pretty sure they are from a hospital trolley or such, they have N.H.S on the side

UK = national health service

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wtf does it say?

It’s my daughter’s name in old English text

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i see it now!

spent like two minutes trying to figure it out and got mad.

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I was thinking of studding tires also somehow; doesn’t seem like studded pneumatics is something that’s on the market yet.

Thats a good Guide for it

If you need studs than let me know I think I have another 300 or so laying around. In case they didn’t disappeared under all the other spare parts :joy:


hell yeah @Andy87 I will be in touch

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Idk bruh I live in San Diego so… try moving? :joy:

Lol jk this is a cool topic, I think it would be fun to shred some snow

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@ShutterShock funny you mention it, I’m looking at grad programs in over there :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:

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Nice haha it is a wonderful place to live imo except for the housing prices

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How much does your couch cost/mo? Seems like a perfectly viable option to me


Give that back. NOW!!! …oh wait…nevermind


what wheels be those??

MBS rock stars, 5 stars and some aluminum pros, tires, etc