What should I be looking for when buying a ESC/VESC

Does this look legit? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/FLIPSKY-FS-ESC-Electronic-Skateboard-50A-V4-12-Speed-Control-for-Electric-Skateboard-RC-Car-Boat/32951134782.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.39e51db8YQMWVN&algo_pvid=2c694a2e-46de-4a1a-92d3-d32735b6ddcf&algo_expid=2c694a2e-46de-4a1a-92d3-d32735b6ddcf-1&btsid=74e4846f-6bc7-4e19-8f2d-aa4e64efd05c&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_9,searchweb201603_52
or this?

I’d use it, but I wouldn’t use FOC and I wouldn’t exceed 10S or exceed 30A battery max (per motor)

Generally, it’s not a great one, but it’s VESC, so it’s just the lowest tier of the best stuff.

Expect to destroy one by making mistakes.


Would this work?

And sorry to keep asking questions, but what were to happen if you buy an esc meant for 10s, but power it with a 6s?

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It will go forward but it won’t stop smoothly. Stick to Vesc for esk8.

Yes you can run 6s on “10s” esc. I suggest you read the forum a bit, you’re going to get hurt.

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It won’t go as fast. But there are many other things to consider.

ESCs designed for aircraft or other vehicles besides esk8 might not be smooth enough. If they are jerky they will knock you off. VESC derivatives are specifcially designed for esk8 and very smooth. Some ESCs don’t even have brakes.

TL;DR: you can use esk8 ESC in other vehicles, but not the other way around (usually)

Tell that to the stooge racer :rofl:

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He’s the reason I put that there :rofl:

In all seriousness, there ARE other ESCs that will work but unless you know exactly what you’re doing, you should stick to VESC or cheap china eBay ESC thing