What is missing?

In less words I think he’s trying to say you tend to come across as a bit of a braggart.

The irony of me saying this isn’t lost on me.

Your “reputation” among the builders community comes from actions & proof of work rather than words and lofty promises.


The real irony here is, I havent said anything … Anyways, nevermind… Somebody new saying some goals is cursed… I got it… Thanks


No, you are not.


I don’t really understand why you think you can do things that others can’t. Especially when those others have many years experience, both building boards and running companies.

I’m sure someone with this much experience in engineering wouldn’t be making such bold and unfounded claims

I think there is plenty of positivity in the community but most people that are experienced here have taken the time to read, study what others are doing, learn and then begin to develop their own designs.

You won’t gain much respect going into someone else’s house, telling them you can do things better, making claims about things that you don’t have much understanding, and generality being loud.


Thanks for website investigation :slight_smile: Ok ok I am deleting all the branding words and things down, closing the website all the things tonight…

Don’t forget to close the forum you set up and also remove all evidence of the stickers :call_me_hand:t3:


for real… alrighty then.

Looking at this screencap the website really doesn’t give a strong sense of what you are speaking to either, Thurbolt. I really don’t like picking on people’s English because it IS difficult, but you really should have someone who is proficient at least edit the site so it looks professional.

There are so many basic grammar errors that I would never buy from a company that had a website like that. Maybe just me but I don’t trust it. The occasional grammar mistake is fine but like in this case, with your claims, I just…

Well you get the point


My 2cents, IMHO esk8ing is a niche, we’ll have more and more efficient & reliable hardware in the next years, but core principles we’ll be the same, we’ll never see an outreach that will fundamently change esk8ing.

It can and will be improved, but we’ll always buy the same 4 parts to put in our DIY : Bat -> Bms -> Esc -> Motors


Woah easy there cowboy. Let’s not write off a whole generation. That’s such a Boomer thing to do


Fuck yeah! Glad I can help.

And it is not just you man. It is a slew of others coming in thinking they are going to be the next Elon Musk or some shit.

And, by the way, not everything constructive is positive. You need to hear this.

That’s just it. @deckoz isn’t fucking new at all.

I have been learning stuff from him for 2 fucking years.


whitepony > deckoz


That’s because china doesn’t give a fuck about copyrights/IP and will do whatever they can to make a buck. I mean look at all the boosted board clones floating around. Kind of hard to sue someone that doesn’t abide by your countries copyright/patent laws.


We are getting at the level of is spud build only now… I checked that thread at least 4 times a year. So nice


Actually… What missing Hot sexy babe in their bikinis with helmet riding a electric Skateboard. Hmmm… I wonder! :joy:


Focbox Unitys are missing for a lot of people. Someone had to say it


Maybe Jason can make a commercial with some of the Aussies :rofl:

I think instead of going into defensive mode the most wise to do is to listen to the people on here.

When we first started, we also tought we knew how everything worked.
After coming on here and joining quite some events it turned out that there was much more to it than it seemed.

I know some people on here might come over a bit harsh but you got to realise they saw alot of “companies” passing by and some of them with only the mindset of making a quick buck.

I can now say after going trough my “initiation” here, that I am happy to have all these knowledgeable people on here.

Don’t forget Esk8 is still small and I strongly believe we all got to pull together to make this grow.


Dude. I’m a millenial and let’s be real most of my generation are lazy and entitled. That’s what happens when everyone gets a trophy for participation. Obviously I’m being somewhat hyperbolic but all stereotypes have dome truth to them.

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Meh I feel like Gen Z is worse