What is missing?

From what I have heard from a guy that used to work in China and moved to the US to start a PCB repair business. He has said that if you bring an idea to a Chinese factory after lunch it is being copied and manufactured in a factory acrossed the street the next day a factory down the street is doing it. By the end of the week every factory that wants to is making it.

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I totally agree and believe that shit!

It happens with everything. Even tools, grizzly tools…they are now being made in a factory in taiwan, that makes harbor freight, bridgewood, and a few other tool companies. They are all a very similar shade of green, getting darker in color as they go down the line (and get cheaper)

That is why I just bought a old Walker Turner Drill Press made in 1947 here in NJ

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And where is that? You started a company and are now deciding a direction after the fact?


I see a lot of this mentality in esk8 in particular. Fascinating.


If everyone who started a business is esk8 actually followed through and was successful with their original plans, we’d have flying boards that charged off of positive ions floating in the ether.

It’s becoming a trend but it’s such a micro market, just no point at this time!


Oh, our direction hasn’t changed, how we approach it did. Sorry if it wasn’t clear.

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Back to the future irl

Ah. The holy grail.
@thurbolt copying designs and putting a name on them is not innovation although i will agree it is a good word but often misconstrued.
@moon the prebuilt chinese market is changing and very rapidly but its changing because of what they read in here and on builders. They are among us…

Meepo is working with a diy company to upgrade their stuff but if you look at just that boards progression then you can clearly see a change. V1/V1.2V2 lucky to get 35kmh. Now the V3 and nls will do almost 50kmh and very smoothly as opposed to the early ones which were snatchy things.
One thing that will always hold back the progression though is safety. You flood the market with 60kmh boards and your risk of serious injury goes up exponentially and the potential damage to your reputation could be catastrophic. We on the other hand have no such compunctions.


I swear you’re a meepoo spy


Can we ban the word innovation. Clearly means nothing now


Its in my nature to fix what isn’t broken so its always good to have a quality pre built knocking around for those bench days. I also put my kid on it so its just a question of credit where credit is due. I state here categorically that I have no affiliation with meepo or captain thurbolt.

You are right! And sometimes good things come out of it. Look how much the Landwheel / now Revel kit has improved from the input they received on the forum.

Some of these people listen even closer than people on the forum do, and then they profit big by improving their quality for all! Just looking at the direction that people are moving - Meepo, Ownboard, Landwheel/Revel, things will keep improving.

Personally I feel like it is super cool that Ownboard offers their kits as standalone parts. They aren’t bad at all and the fact that they offer it is probably because someone told them that there is a whole community that might find interest in that :slight_smile:

Maybe it isn’t time for innovation quite yet, just time for incremental improvements. Product design lifespans are a bit longer than these electric skateboard companies have even existed, and to see things progressing as fast as they are is interesting in the engineering world. It’s exciting, and as much as we all want big changes now, it takes time


And “literally” no one can use it right lol


@dareno who copied designs and put a name on them and called it innovation ? Be spesific when writing something like that

@Itsmedant @sender Could you explain more please ?

Yes, I declare that @dareno has no affiliation with thurbolt… I do not know why it was brought up… Hopefully, at least, I am not chinese. Either there were nobody who really did any improvements without coppying things here or I am confused why people here hate the word innovation… You have to find someword else to define any non-coppied tech improvements if you really want to kill the inno… word :slight_smile:

I mean to be fair, your “goals” are almost comical. I want the best for you and love seeing new players with cool stuff coming to the market.

I.E. Lacroix, Kaly, Moon esk8, and others that haven’t even announced that have amazing fucking products.

But you insinuate that you are going to revolutionize this market and you have 6 months of experience, have never skated, and the things you are bringing forward make me yawn.

Have you even been fast on an electric skateboard? But you aim to build the fastest in the world? Why?

All well and good. But all I see is old tech, no innovation, and a wall mounting solution that many could build in 10 minutes.

Ambition is great and all, but let’s be reasonable.


Oh yeah, air conditioning is fine kiddos.


That’s… Cold


@sender I was thinking that you were talking something in general… But… I see, now its directly on me then… Ok…

As Iam just a guy who loved the concept and started working on it, me trying to build a brand and putting its name disturbed some people… Even, with me not saying anything like “we are perfect” or even not saying “we are good” … I am just saying what we will accomplish things that may be not achiavable for others… That makes you laugh and yawn whatever, thats fine…

But… You plucked words with tweezers out of my full openness and confessions, and brought here that “it is only 6 months”… Yeah 6 months in this area but still missing my similar tech background… Assume that I was a Tesla powertrain engineer and you would have said same things to me that I am 6 months old in esk8ing and have big dreams and how funny it would again be :slight_smile:

Anyways… What all are riding as an esk8 is nothing more than an electric vehicle with batteries controllers and motors on… With many weaknesses, performance and safety issues… If you are fine with it, thats it…

The reason why I asked was to hear something constructive and positive, may you say the general problems objectively… But I was wrong… Sadly, all I am hearing is the poor judgements on the first steps of a newly started progress… Instead of any advise or support or anything, sad really…

Anybody can find any goal funny, yawnable or comical… Actually hearing these kind of things provides motivation… Kind of thanks for that…

I hope there would be more positiveness in the community someday… Thanks for your time…