What better for a MTB? [PKP vs. Channel]

I haven’t had any runs ins with you so I don’t really have an opinion… you seem alright to me. :joy: I was just making a funny. You said defiantly instead of definitely.

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Yeah, some here forget it’s possible to have a constructive conversation about something without having “beef”. Even respectful arguments are useful in educating and progressing ideas. IMO being able to make good points and counter points is a skill some seen to lack, it should be encouraged as long as it doesn’t shift into personal insults and shit slinging.

This is a fair point. But many in Motorsports also know that they have an expensive hobby and have long accepted that almost every part is consumable. I guess people at the high end of our sport know this but I don’t think it’s a general held view. Most think stuff should just work forever maintenance free.


I totally agree with you on the grinding thing… I’m not good enough yet… but someday. :joy:

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This guy gets it.

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Got speed wobbles? Just beat them up.
Jokes aside, hes right.

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