What are your Eboard shoes?

My job is about lower limb biomechanics, so some fun fact about that phenomenon:
These shoes are probably quite ordinary. It’s the proprioception thing - it’s how our brain learns to control our body, especially so-called deep muscles (of which we have less conscious control). This is responsible for the “I got used to” feeling. It’s the same why when we first get into a new car with a manual gear drive we get hopping with a clutch, but after some practice, we can control the clutch very precisely.

These are not superior shoes. These are shoes most compatible with our brain and receptors :smiley:


I like vannnssss

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I love my vans. Got a friend who manages an outlet so I get dibs on almost anything. Also vans are the comfiest brand of shoes I’ve ever worn ever. Ever.

Nike SB all the way.
Low for analogue skating, Mids for electric skating.

love my ultraboosts for longer rides, converse or adidas skate shoes for shorter trips… the ultraboosts have such thick soles though that it can feel a bit unstable on my more nimble boards

@Razillian reminded me that this thread existed… been rocking these DVS for a good while now and they’ve been awesome.

I wore through the soles about 6 months ago so i added the freebrake soles.

They’ve seen some heavy use since then and they’re doing great. Great way to prolong the life of a set of shoes with the bonus that they are super nice to skate on. They grip the deck really well and awesome for foot braking.

These DVS are on the way out tho, hopefully i can get a similar pair, i really liked these.


I rock some standard issue Vans for quick trips but for anything 5+ miles I use my Nike Air Force 1’s for the bit of extra padding. Helps with vibration on a stiff carbon deck but I still find having to take a break every now and then to get rid of the tinglies.

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I like as little sole as possible in a skate shoe, the closer to the bare foot feel, the better


Absolutely THIS

Anything else slightly reduces the amount of steering control you have, IMHO

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tragically you can’t get them anymore.

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After trying lots and lots of skate shoes over the years the etnies Jameson 2 are still my favorites. Both comfort and durability and price. They outlast everything in my experience.

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Adidas slides 90% of the time unless I want to REALLY aggressively carve, in which case I switch to hiking boots.

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What do you mean by “Tinglies”? I’m curious as to if it is part of the issue I have where I will just loose the ability to fully feel my feet and lower legs while on my board.

As it is currently, after riding for some time my legs kind of fall asleep, then I won’t be able to feel them but it won’t be painful, and then it’ll be to where I can’t fully feel them but there is a ton of pain in my legs and lower back. Once my back starts hurting it is because a nerve in my back is getting compressed which is 100% my back being messed up, but it sounds like the early issues might be something everyone can have happen.

Basically, my spine bones are all kinds of messed up in my lower back, as was confirmed by an orthopedic doctor, but only invasive treatments like surgery will help fix it. Those fixes only last so long but are expensive so I can’t really do anything about it until it gets worse. Also my spinal chord isn’t getting compressed so I can still move my legs and it shouldn’t cause any long term damage to the nerves.

My feet will get the pins & needles feeling after riding for a while. If I hop off the board for a few and take a few steps it gets the blood flowing again and I’m good for a while.


Riding more often seems to get rid of that for me. Not riding daily will cause that exact phenomenon.


It seems similar to the early issues I have although it usually takes a good bit longer to go away for me.

It has gotten slightly better compared to when I first got my board but it hasn’t changed since then.

It is nice to know that part of my issue is normal for esk8

I have to admit I picked my shoes to match my board:

They are good shoes tho.


Some daily yoga will greatly improve spinal strength and flexibility. Surgery never fixes problems… A strong core will make life more enjoyable and help with numb legs as well. Doctors aren’t very good at helping people in this manner

Orthopedists are specialized in bone issues and do an amazing job at helping people in every way possible. My spine issue with with my vertebrae which should never be flexible on their own since they’re bone.

Additionally, I’ve already gone through physical therapy with excellent results and would appreciate it if you would refrain from spreading misinformation. People are already hesitant enough to seek proper medical care due to the costs and the last thing we need is people spreading lies and further discouraging people from seeking medical care.


Yeah, probably my case. I can’t ride that frequently (weekends usually).