What are those X things called - Order Form on post # 1

Hahaha. Pun intended :sunglasses:

Thanks maner.

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I havent my dude ive reused them a few times. Thst has to be it. I’m goimg to go ahead and get some hardware tomorrow.

@Skunk thanks homie

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Does anyone make these anymore ?

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You can get something similar from @3DServisas


Any US stuff ?

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Trying not to wait a ton of time lol

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I believe @akhlut is your go to

Stuff Akhlut makes


If you just need the basic X, I have unused ones I can sell


Can you send me some pictures

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Do you still have some x things?

@kadeanderson we have some Tb ones.




Are these things still being made?

These don’t look as good but they ship from USA. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B088TW3612/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

No. @akhlut where are you man?!

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@surfnacho :wink: he has all the skills to custom make top plates!

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yeeew! Yeh I am here lol. Not worth it to make one or two pairs, however if we have larger qty I can do a run.

Or if you want something custom give me a holler.


@surfnacho How large are your aluminum sheets? I’d say make a bunch and also nut lockers and just post them here while @akhlut is MIA, I’m sure they will sell. Hope he’s doing okay. I texted him but no response


I’d def be interested in some if anybody makes them!

@Mikenopolis fellow Greek? :slight_smile:

Even better if someone makes an X version outta carbon fiber, or if a kid can dream, forged carbon

@surfnacho :pray::pray:?