Wanted items cheap or free

Does anyone have a vesc bluetooth module in EU?
I dont want to wait for the shipping from china.

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i assume the metr module is to pricey for you?

How much is it?

40€ + 12€ shipping. Worth every penny.


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Yeah too expensive.

@BuildKitBoards had a bunch
I have one, willing to ship if Jared won’t :v:
Im in the USA

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Unfortunately im from europe. Shipping is pretty expensive from usa isnt it?

Nah. Should fit in a flat envelope and just be a few bucks w/ international stamps.


just checked, looks like about 5 bucks

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Good, how much for the module then?

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see if @BuildKitBoards will ship it to you first, I’d like to keep mine but will hook you up if he can’t. Fair?

Ok , fair. Thanks!

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I’m looking for a fsesc 4.12. I got my dual motors set up last night only to realize I still only have one vesc (I’m a dumbass). Anyone have anything?


You can get them on Amazon rn for a really solid price

Cheapest I found was used for 56. With Amazon you have no idea what condition it could be in. Other then that they’re around 80

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Hi, I’m looking for a couple of belts HTD 5m 445 (89 teeth)… Does anyone have some spare ones or can point me to a shop in eu to get these?!? Urgent! Thanks

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belting online/ vbelt


Thanks… they only have 450 (90 teeth) not 445 (89 teeth), i cant find 445 anywhere… do you guys think 90 teeth belt will work ok?PS: the original ones (89) were actually pretty tight!

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Depends how tight they were, you want about a half inch of give to the belts on either side to freeroll with less resistance but you need them to be tight enough to not slip when breaking or accelerating so its mostly feeling it out.

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