VESC WAND REMOTE soon to arrive from the future

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How do you like those trucks?

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I was really hoping VESC WAND remote would be the bulletproof option but it doesn’t seem to be the case so far with so many people having connection problems and frank completely unwilling to take feedback and change the design/up the power.


No connection issue here. Tested up to 30 ft away and did not lose signal. I am not using carbon fiber enclosure though.

I love them the Flame Dirtpipe - but they are just new - so I am figuring out about the damper config for ESK8, as those are designed for downhill.

Just some background:
Started with Trampa - they are great too with Elastomere.
Tried MBS Matrix II Metal - did not like the quality. The Threads where not nice machined etc. etc.
But I love the strong design of the dirtpipe.


Though I am scared to use it outside because I already dropped it once and got a scuff on there. Any updates on a case for this controller?

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90 posts were split to a new topic: Known Issue with Vesc Wand

The back truck is still MBS Matrix II - but we are working on designing a new mount based on the “Stick-Axle Concept” for the Dirtpipe.

Because if you crash into something with the wheel and bend the axle - you can just unscrew two nuts and replace the “Stick-Axle” and go again.

But lets not hi-jack this WAND Thread.

Usually such a crash alo affects the aluminium parts. If a short 12mm steel axle bends, the entire truck will suffer. After such a crash it is safer to replace the baseplate and hanger.

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@longhairedboy @BillGordon @anorak234 @Dareno @jamie

I can’t help but notice this thread is not getting moderated in the same way other threads are.

Clearly this thread could use a split it the same rules apply to everyone here, yeah? Unless there’s a specific reason why it’s getting special treatment?


Split was made as you were typing this, apparently.

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You’re gonna need to start that thread a bit earlier than that split I think.

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I’ll take a look at what I missed. Thanks.

this is very surprising to me. I’ve been using the wand everywhere , from urban riding to off road. As of yet I must’ve put about 100 miles on it. It’s been working like a dream. The display and build quality is excellent. Throttle feels premium and I’ve had zero connection problems. The extra creatures like smart reverse and optional reverse are amazing. Cruise control is great for long rides and when you wanna check telemetry on the go!

Do you ride in a busy city?

Kinda. I ride in Seattle. I’ve had dropouts with my previous remote. I used the feather remote. I had carbon fiber skinned on both the top and bottom of my deck and I had a CF skinned enclosure. However pulling the antenna outta the receiver fixed that.

Even though taking the antenna out twisted it , taking it out was a better improvement than the bad effects of twisting the antenna. So interference of layers > interference of twisted antenna based upon my experience

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has anyone made the wand weatherproof?

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Just get a puck trampa is starting to suck especially with all the bs about this vesc shit they kinda need to fall BK and continue to produce good products for the community. They should listen, take feedback, and product products we want and need. It’s not a good look for Trampa Frank stop ur bs


My man👊 you’re the goddamn best


I guess that you could take it out of the metal enclosure, conformal coat/spray it and then seal it with some silicone. In theory pretty easy to do.

I coat all the electrical parts in my board: remote/bms/esc/receiver etc


When I get caught in rain, I stick my hand +remote into a stash bag. Keeps my hand and remote dry. Wet hands are not ideal to handle a controller, so for me a bag with pull string is ideal.

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