VESC Tool mobile app - could not read firmware version


I have a MakerX DV6 Pro and BT module from them, can’t make it work, mobile app throws this when trying to connect:
“Read firmware version
could not read firmware version
make sure that the selected port belongs to the vesc”

Actually, other mobiles up hang on firmware detection too (FreeSK8 for example)

I have a 5.3 firmware with a generic bootloader from VESC Tool PC soft. This FW is MakerX custom - afaik only amp limits changed in the code, but maybe this is the problem? Or maybe uploading a generic bootloader was a mistake?

Any ideas for a solution? Please, help!

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Is that bluetooth module NRF or HC-05 based? Only the former is supported in FW >5.

If you can connect via USB, make sure the UART port is active at the correct speed (Enable permanent UART):


If that’s correct…I would check that RX and TX cables are not reversed. The TX on the module should go to the RX on the VESC and vice-versa. Also verify you’re providing the correct voltage to it (3.3 or 5V).

Good luck!


which version of VESCtool are you using and did you get the DV6 recently? MakerX has started shipping the DV6 with FW 5.3 and older versions of VESCtool will report an incorrect version.

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First thing I try when this error comes up is flipping the RX/TX leads. Have you tried this?

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99% this is the problem source, will try to flip them today or tomorrow and check out. This is because stupid flipshit thing - all world do Rx to tx and tx to Rx, flipsky makes Rx to Rx and TX to tx… I was preparing both BT and VX1 wiring together, so this is probably the case.

Thank you all, will report the progress!

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Yep, that was it! Flipped, works like a charm now.
Thank you folks!


Np, glad it works now. :slight_smile:

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I’m getting this error on my Spintend. Anyone have any advice? The 7th LED is also yellow.

I don’t have RX/TX connections, I don’t think

You might have the internal uart disabled. Spintend did this weird thing where the number of button presses on the power switch after it’s turned on enable/disable different features. Their documentation details this.

I don’t actually have one or I’d check, and the one they sent us for FreeSK8 testing/validation didn’t power on at all.

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Comedy gold

yeap, idk why but it was a triple press that did the trick. fuckin weird man. thank you!

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