[GR] Hi everybody, forgive my ignorance, I am new in this stuff. I am upgrading my board with two Maytech ESC’s 50A. The board has 10S5P batterie. Everything is connected and running. I am just not sure about the current settings and I am
afraid to fry the Esc. That’s why some input from more experienced builders would be very appreciated.Do you know what type of cells are used for the battery?
You may want to lower your motor current max to 50A.
Definitely lower your “battery current max regen”. Around -15A should be safe for your setup. (That’s max 30A regen for dual setup or 6A per cell.) If the brakes feel too weak, you may go a little lower. Personally I wouldn’t go below -20A though.
I forgot to mention. They are Samsung 35E
Thanks a lot
Is there a danger for the battery if below - 20, or would the breaking be just to strong?
It’s bad for the battery. You will want to find a good balance between the braking current and the reliability of the brakes. If the brakes feel too weak, increase the braking current but ideally avoid braking too hard when riding unless inevitable. Avoiding an accident is obviously more important than not damaging the battery.
… it is a good idea to run higher than conservative if it means you will not crash into something at high speed due to not enough brakes. It may just shorten the cycle life of the battery instead of your own life.
OK thanks
From what I can find the max discharge of samsung 35e is 8 A, you are using 5p (5 parallel groups) so that would mean the battery can supply 40 amps continious maximum. So Battery Current max = 40A. However, I guess you can set it a little higher though, what do you think @janpom?
I believe 8A is for continuous discharge. For quick bursts, it should be OK to go a little higher than that. Personally I would just limit the motor current max. If that’s set to 50A per motor, it will be rare that the battery total current goes above 25A per VESC (50A total).
Edit: BTW, if you do want to set the battery current limit you have to divide by two for dual setup, i.e. set “battery current max = 20A” on each VESC, not 40A.
Thank you very much
The throttle curve has nothing to do with those settings, right?
I ve got two of those for heatsink. Not sure about if i should build it in the closed battery enclosure, or better in a box on top of the board so they are exposed. What do you think?
You will hardly use hard brakes at big speed. Forget about what your battery can charge and set your battery current max regen so that you have brakes even at max speed even if that means setting it to -25 or -30. There is nothing worse than having to brake from high speed and your board not reacting accordingly, first you will get no brakes and all of a sudden they will come on, it’s dangerous. It won’t destroy the battery and those few bursts occasionally won’t hurt it at all. Also automatic detection settings in vesc app always (as far as I know) detect lower motor amps than you can use. So set your motor current max to whatever the manufatcturer of your motors suggests and you can go always a little higher. Don’t forget to set positive/negative ramping times for response (very important) I used to ride with 12s4p 35e and had set my regen to -36 at one point)
Thanks a lot
OK so I adjusted everything, and pushed the write motor settings. But every time I plugged the esc, it shows others readings. Same when I push the read motor configuration. It looks like it doesn’t save my configurations
You are programming each vesc one at a time ?
Got it now. Thanks a lot