

Thank you for the update and rundown


Uh-oh another big update. Will I be finally able to use bluetooth connection with windows machine and OFFICIAL vesc-tool or do I still have to wait for someone to port it?

Sorry, I’m confused. Is this different than 5.1? Is this one the latest or is 5.1 the latest?

5.01 was the latest. This 5.02

But it lists it as 5.1 in Vesc tool, should that have been 5.01

think vesc tool removes the 0 :rofl:


Right then. That has always confused me haha


also, Vesc tool version number does not align with FW version number, just to keep things simple.


Yeah I know, the latest version I have right now is 2.06 and that installs fw 5.01

Can anyone expand on this?

Are you aware of the Duty Cycle Limit Start default issue that everyone was upset and concerned about with 5.01?

Default was 95% and needed to be reduced on some builds to as low as 85% to prevent the hard cut at 95% Duty Cycle.

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Yeah I’d like to know what was done, just set up my friend’s board on 5.01, don’t expect those speeds yet, but what was the determining factor in it causing street face

Was it speed? This build only maxes at like 29


Yeah I’m aware of the current problem I’d like to know what was changed in the update, whether its still safe to reduce duty cycle current limit start to 85% when trying to avoid faceplanting at high duty cycle %.

@Shuttershock, pretty sure its proportional to speed. Builds below 30mph seem to be immune but it gets incredibly violent on even v5.01 with regular duty cycle current limit start at 95% and duty cycle limit at 95%. Always right below top speed and just begins oscillating power back and forth between motors generally not quite shaking you off but enough to wake you up.


Definitely frightening. I just never wanted to deal with it so my main build and older builds are all on FW 3.62 haha but I just put a DV6 into my friend’s build last night and left it on 5.01 so I didn’t have to update it

It’s a 12s LifePo4 build so it’s basically 10s liion voltage range. With a 14:36 ratio, the speed doesn’t come out super high.


I have a 12s LifePo4 build on a DV6 as well, funny coincidence. From my experience, troubles start around 58-62kmh when that speed is near 92-94% duty cycle and the shakes are seemingly random with their timing and I’m really glad to see duty cycle current limit near 85% solve the problem completely albeit sacrificing top speed :frowning: and I’m hoping this update eliminates the need for us to sacrifice speed for safety not in the usual way.


Holy crap what is your gearing lol

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I had the same experience 65km/h and approaching the 95% duty cycle. Was slightly uphill.


Not as bad as you’d think, on my killshot I run 18/62 on 155mm pneumies @ 12s LiPo, so thats 3.6 or something like that. Hummie I run 20/44 on Tb110s @ 12s LifePo4 so I guess you’re right, thats ones pretty bad (lmfao).

@abusfullofnuns I’ve noticed it with slight inclines and declines as well, drove me mad until I realized it was a common solveable problem.

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!!! lol yall go so damn fast, I feel like 30 is plenty for me and you mofos out here screaming 35 and up

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