VESC (Stormcore 60D+) shuts off and won't turn on again until several Minutes or Hours

lets not hate too much on the poor guy, everybody learns somehow.

We’ll happily advice you thru a cleanup!


Seriously no one is gonna be willing to learn if this is how they’re treated.

No one has shared this thread yet

And this thread is a good resource for enclosure organization inspiration.

@SkateMate please forgive my friends above.


Ya, not a fan with a lot of the feedback some ppl in the community send. Really sucked when i started and a lot of asshole remarks when i was learning (still learning). We all werent born into this, lets help each other grow.


Haha, yeah pretty dumb i know. I tried cleaning it as good as possible. After sealing the box with silicone I had to to drill a couple more holes that i forgot about and ofc a lot of shavings are stuck to it now.

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Thank you!

There is shrink wrap and proper shiny solder joints beneath the electrical tape. I mainly used the tape to be able to grip connectors better and as color coding for loop key plugs, power plugs (xt90) and charging plugs (xt60). I will take the stormcore out, and clean the box with compressed air.

There is no dirt inside since the box is water-proof even worse it is metal shavings. I’ll open up the stormcore have a look at the PCB and maybe add a new layer of silicone to the box.

I cleaned up the casing, inside there were no metall shavings.



Looks like the problem was metall shavings that bridged the connection at the two BAT pins out of the Stormcore. The first test ride (24km) went well. I cleaned the VESCs compartment extensively.

Thanks everyone, sometimes I need someone to point out my obvious building mistakes :wink:

I’ll keep the thread up to date should another Issue arise, maybe someone else can find use in this information.