VESC Settings to limit speed

Thanks for the explanation, appreciate it!

What is fine for some may not be fine for others though, so it’s good to have all the information if possible.

I think most would agree that anything that applies brakes automatically to limit your top speed is not going to be fine for any application in Esk8, unless it’s limited to very low speeds and the rider w/ bindings.

Pointing out the limitations of Current Control in context of freeroll down a hill is useful to OP.

Suggesting speed profiles won’t help OP achieve their goal for the sake of pedantry is likely less useful.

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I finally got around to testing this on my board today because I wanted to have speed limited reverse without using Smart Reverse.

I set the negative eRPM limit to -5,000 and kicked the board faster than that speed in reverse. I was then able to apply throttle to make the board stop reversing and move forward, even when the board was exceeding the negative eRPM limit.

It might be worth mentioning that I have both my motor directions set to inverted and I feel like I recall some history of VESC acting strangely when that was the case.

Therefore, it does not appear true that both throttle and brakes are cut when an eRPM limit is exceeded, rather only the control that would further exceed the limit is cut.

Because of this, I feel that eRPM limits are a safe way to attempt to limit a board’s speed by gradually cutting power as they are exceeded, as long as the rider understands that the brakes will not be applied for them.

What firmware version? Which application mode?

FW 6.02, Hoyt Puck, Current mode


I’ve successfully limited my speed to ~40kph by using <115mm wheels, 2.78 gear ratio and 140kv motors at 12s.

I’ve done bombing runs where I get well over 40 and braking still works fine.