Vesc setting and remote help

Hello first time setting up vesc . Maker x go foc v4. Metroboard 50 mile battery 30 amp max
Tb 6380 170kv 80 amp max and mini remote.
Motor setting 60 amp and -60 amp
Battery 25amp max and -8 a
Is this ok?
Also my sensor wires are messed up . So I m in bldc mode . Do I need to be sure that the sensor wires don’t short to each other?

Yes, totally fine. You can probably raise motor currents to 80A, -60A

I’d lower battery regen a bit, maybe 25A, -14A

You can certainly use FOC mode without sensors if you’d like to. If you’re not using HFI mode though, BLDC will give you more power, speed, and reliability than FOC mode.

If the sensor cable is unplugged, you do not need to worry about that. If it’s plugged in, then you don’t want to short +5V and GND wires.


Thank you :pray:

Not using sensors or HFI means you need to either kick push or hip flick until the wheels are turning a tiny bit, before the motor will grab without cogging. It works fine at every speed except 0.0km/h

The hip flick is easy and you will quickly get used to it


Yes that is kind of how it was before . I never set it up but my vesc burnt up so… now I got the new one . Got the pulleys and belts btw. Thanks

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I am also trying to set up my sons board or is a maker x dual . I was able to update the boot loader then the firmware and can get both motors to spin but can’t get the remote to control both. Maker x said I have to connect the can bus? Do I do this in the vesc tool or with physical cables? Thank you for your help
(My other son got the Tb 110 running on his metroboard :+1::+1:)

Using a mini remote connected to one side of the vesc

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I don’t use dual ESCs or CANBUS, hopefully someone else can help

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Hello I’m new to this my mate helped me improve my longboard into electric bought a kit off Amazon done he replaced the battery with a new and stronger one
I was wondering if there’s a way for me to boost the signal to my remote to give me a bit more juice I’m only getting about two bars on my remote when I’ve got it on the highest level.

If anyone can help me out that would be ace
Thanks Danny

You need to tell us which remote it is, which ESC it is, which battery it is, send photos. Need make and model number.

It’s unclear whether you want a stronger remote signal or if your battery isn’t lasting as long as it should.

But we can definitely help.