VESC Improvement: read cell voltages

You’re up on the waiting list. I will ship it in a few days.

The FlexiBMS just needs firmware updates to enable CAN communication. Should be matter of weeks.

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Lol, thats like running basically any VESC at >60A (okay, maybe except the 75/300).
It is not made for it doing continuously but it wont get harmed for a duration depending on your cooling ability.

nice, OS as well? can you link the fork?

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It’s not done yet, but should be by next month.

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There’s no reason the two functions can’t combined, that is a BMS IC on same PCB (or same enclosure) as VESC. Two main issues though, you don’t want a blown ESC destroying the BMS is likely critical. But also, hard to get the right combination of features. Number of cells, battery chemistry, charging profile, etc.

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