VESC FW 5.x - Beta Testers wanted [SERIOUS]

Smart reverse feels iffy at best, I had to revert to older FW to have any breaking force at all on hubmotors. Just didn’t outshine the set min ERPM to start going reverse trick to get strong brakes at low speeds with hubs.

If running unsensored, smart reverse as a feature might as well be disabled, does nothing useful.

Granted I’ve not yet to try it on a geared setup with sensors.

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This is why you are getting this behavior. That mode is written by ack and it’s a convoluted mess.

They can only start reverse if you are below a fixed speed which is that erpm set, did you touch that value. Full brakes should be able to just about lock up your wheels you sure it’s not just strong brakes?

If you want to quit going backwards you can just apply the throttle, right?

Yeah doesn’t work great unsensored. Does HFI not work on your setup?

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Did you manually manipulate the Batt Regen setting?

Set it up once, fiddled for awhile but never got it working, seemed to work fine with no load on bench and plots looked decent. But not much more than that.

High inductance hub motors tho, might have something to do with it.

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My r2 hubs work pretty well on HFI but yeah, every motor is a bit different.

Never tried raptors so no idea how nasty they are.

I had troubles with these old hummie hub motors in the past as well, swapped current sense resistors to get better resolution on 4.12 HW did the trick. VESC6 seemd to handle them alright tho but sometimes they struggle alot if startup scenario isn’t ideal.

They’re super feaking quiet in FOC however…

My regen is set to -20A. While braking hard the ABS function will work for a second, that means the wheeles aren’t completly locked, and will slowly turn in the forward direction. The board is still controllable in this state.
But after a second it will start actually reversing while the board is still moving forward and the traction will be compleetly lost.

It is easy to test on a forest trail or on gravel. And very easy on ice.

I know the change happened a while back, but what is the idea behind changing from CAN ID 0 for master and 1 for slave to seemingly random but larger numbers (68, 72, 100, 98, etc) for both master and slave… something to do with better canbus communication or something?

Just updated to newest test FW and restored config for some riding later on. So far compared to Acks, I am liking this new firmware… lots of new features and improvements and with the (limited) riding so far it seems like a good step up. As with anything though only time will tell… rode acks for almost two years with no issues.


Haven’t touched that value. If you are skidding on the “just about locked up state” for too long it will start reversing.

After the board is rolling faster than the reverse duty cycle limit should allow then giving throttle to brake doesn’t work.
I tried messing with it on a small hill once and figured out what works is very counterintuitive. You have to try to reverse again, which will start ramping the duty cycle up from 0%. If you mange to hold your finger at a point where the reverse duty stays low then it will slow you down. If you give full reverse then that wont work either. Its broken like that.

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If you don’t limit to -20A, you will have stronger brakes at less throttle input and you can lock your wheels before reaching 95% of the throttle input (where smart reverse starts to engage).

Smart reverse actually only activates if the wheel is turning super slow ( close to stand still) and at 95% negative throttle input.

Since you limited the Batt Regen, your brakes are too weak at speed and you can just block your wheels at 95% neg throttle input. If you would simply leave the default values or use -40A Batt Regen, you would not face the issue. BTW, the value has little to do with the Amps your batteries see in real life. If you brake too hard, the wheel will block and Amps go Zero, if you can’t brake properly, your brakes are too
weak anyway. So you could just stay with the default value of -99A.


sounds like “smart” reverse would be smarter with a little imu feedback


Setting it to -20A is safety meaure, as the brakes won’t be too strong then. -20A feels just right and I can pull the brake fully in an emergency, without fear of loosing control, of curse untill it decides to reverse…

I belive the best way to reverse with a remote is like they have done on rc cars. two quick pulls of the brake will enable reverse. And only when the car is stopped or moving very slow. Doesn’t require any additional hardware and is quite fool proof.

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What is your l_min_duty value?

if (config.ctrl_type == PPM_CTRL_TYPE_CURRENT_SMART_REV) {
	bool duty_control = false;
	static bool was_duty_control = false;
	static float duty_rev = 0.0;

	if (servo_val < -0.92 && duty_highest_abs < (mcconf->l_min_duty * 1.5) &&
			current_highest_abs < (mcconf->l_current_max * mcconf->l_current_max_scale * 0.7)) {
		duty_control = true;

The code only takes PPM input value and duty cycle into account, not RPM. A question to people who have better knowledge than I do, is duty cycle always proportional to RPM? (also when braking?)

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If you panic, you don’t want to activate reverse by doing double pulls etc. You want it to work when you keep on holding brakes.

Reverse is something I will engage always consciously. It is impossible to enable reverse with double pulls while moving, because the moment the trottle stick returns to 0 your wheels start turning again. :wink:

Pumping the brakes on an esk8 to abs would be something else… I prefer to cling on to the trigger for my dear life.

Double pulls to reverse would also make it possible to use the brake as an handbrake…


Not sure if vedder did something to nrf51x. I was able to flash bin file to my BT nrf51822. Telemetry and connection works. Today’s release 4/22; using the APK that came w this release.


I also use Current Hyst, reverse and I have to admit that it’s simply more intuitive then smart reverse. I don’t really have any issue’s with it (but I also don’t limit my negative erpm)


Everybody can have their preferences. Mine is definitely not that mode.

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Care to elaborate? Maybe you have good (safety) reasons that would steer me away from it.

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Limiting your negative erpm is the only issue I’ve found :wink: