Hi, I have a VESC express and a GNSS module connected to my Trampa 75V VESC, but on VESC tool, it doesn’t maintain the data logging. The status message on the bottom right states “Log started” then immediately switches to “Log stopped” when I want to start logging on LogUI. I’m worried if any hardware is broken and I didn’t notice or if it’s a simple software / VESC tool issue that can be fixed. Does anybody else have the same issue? Below are clips of my setup.
Just wanna clarify that my bluetooth RT data logging on the VESC Tool mobile app is working as usual, able to log data continuously, but the Express module isn’t. I’ve replicated this issue across 3 different Trampa VESCs. I think something’s wrong with the Express, but I could be wrong.
i have a vesc express, it also does not log anything and after talking to frank it still does not do anything
@Trampa fix your gear
Without knowing it has support but since all other hardware does, have you tried re-flashing it with a vesc?
Could also try the VESC discord for general troubleshooting.
If it is dead, I’d do a warranty claim.
too much water
I think that its not logging in your case because you have activated GNSS. The reason for it not logging is that it will not log anything as long as you dont have a GPS Signal. There will be a red blinking LED next to your blue blinking LED if you have a GPS Signal on your GPS module.
You can give it a try without having the checkmark on GNSS. After changing the setting make sure to “save config” and reboot VESC EXPRESS.