VESC CAN DBC development

As i needed a complete overview over all can Messages, i started doing things properly following an accepted industry standard.
So i started building a dbc file for VESCs (and ofc. all other projects with the same or similar Firmware…).

Right now, there are not all messages in there, but the rest will follow over the course of this week. Also for now, the messages are only in there for one VESC with ID 1. So, it is far from done, but i wanted to share it anyways. If there are any thougths about posible improvements, please share them.

The most recent state can always be founde here:

What are the plans for the Future?

  • Complete all messages and signals - DONE for 1 VESC
  • Add additional nodes (2/4/8)
  • Add support for Config via CAN
  • Release CANoe Project with Simulation setup
  • Use Resources to build automated testbench

All (known to me) messages have been implemented for 1 VESC.

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Whenever I get some time I will make a log and try your dbc file :blush:

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That would be nice.
Dual, Quad, and Octa are now available as well, in different branches.

I will also show sam sample logs of the Octa setup soon.
Canoe Dashboards and Panels are also in the making…

Some of the commands are still ot tested properly and i am unsure of the scaling, so handle them with care…