VESC App For iOS

Has anyone gotten the VESC app to build for iOS at all? I’ve been trying and am not even able to get qmake to properly install on my Mac. Anyone got any advice?

Yes, 4 years ago :sweat_smile:

IIRC the process was straightforward. Clone code, load project into Qt Creator and generate Xcode project, open the generated project in Xcode build + deploy VESC Tool to iOS device. Four years is an eternity in software though, so things may be very different now. Back then there were certainly some code changes required; removing Qt modules (and associated code) that weren’t available for the iOS platform (serial port comes to mind).

I understand work is happening in this space, so maybe we’ll actually see an official iOS release.

Edit: just saw one of the most recent VESC Tool commits is fixing a firmware upload issue on iOS. Definitely happening :smiley:


Damn licenses. Always making things harder. Hopefully they get it figured out. Got any good guides onto how to get qmake to work on mac? I’ve been fighting with it for a few hours total and would like some of my sanity back.

Had a quick look at this over the weekend. Managed to get it going in the simulator ok, my Apple dev account expired some years ago so didn’t attempt to deploy to an actual device.

Tried to get this build using the command line only, but went with Qt Creator in the end. Used the latest v5 kit for Qt, I’m just assuming the VESC Tool hasn’t been updated for Qt v6. Qt Creator built the Xcode project, then I had to modify a few bits of code to get it running.

I’ll buy a VESC sometime soon and give this another go provided an official release isn’t out by then.


I’ll give it a try, thanks.

If you could create a fork with the changes you made I’d appreciate it.

QT is the bane of my existence. I’ll figure it out eventually.


Thats awesome.