@linsus repairs my unitys so can recommend him for it
Well sweden is of course abit cheaper with shipping so prefered.
Will share the story with pics of my 3rd dead Vesc, since its freshest in memory.
So I i was out riding on 3m depth sandbottom and probably hit a larger fish. Mast-plate broke and 1 phase wire got disconnected during about 30A load.
Vesc was completely dead. I dissasembled but saw nothing strange except some marks on capacitors ( they were measured fine).
Sent it off to trampa. They changes voltage regulators 3,3 & 12 volt + CPU, still dead, they did not recommend to go further.
Phase wire connectors are well insulated in my marine application (marine sealant and heatshrink over 8mm bullets) you have probable seen 3 of them in your workshop.
however 1 came off, so a complete sudden cut off from one phasecut but shorting to others is impossible in this case the rest was intact as described in correpondance with your company.
Sounds like the gate drivers might be dead.
Suddenly cutting a connection with current flowing through it results in an inductive kick and that energy needs to go somewhere.
hm, is it dead as in you cant even program the MCU? Cause if they changed the regulators and flick the switch atleast you should be able to port firmware etc. even if the gate drivers are gone.
Could you meassure resistance between 3.3V and GND, Batt+ and batt-, 12V and GND?
If those dont show a short then the MCU should definatly wake up atleast. If it doesn’t you could have a good amount of troubleshooting ahead of you.
Gate driver failure almost always results in it shorting its supply rail to ground. So that would explain why no lights, the buck converter for gate drive is in current limit mode and I am guessing all the other rails derive their power from that rail.
You don’t see this happen all the time with DRVs because they generate their own gate drive supply, which actually does short to ground.
Should show when he brings out the DMM then
I do not know what DMM is?
All 3 units are still with trampa, so I can not measure. Can bring them home in a week.
When they say dead, I assume no leds lighting up, no possibility to cominicate.
@linsus, do you want to take the units on?
Where in sweden are you?
Digital MultiMeter
Send me a PM and we can discuss stuff