Vesc 60hd.12s7p Ppm issues? Possibly antenna placement

Hey there. I have recently switched out a fsecs 6.6 plus with a Trampa Vesc Hd60. The entire thing is ppm controlled (GT2B, Master cho case). I run the antenna between enclosure and board (both carbon). The problem is i get cut outs. The board occasionally accelerates after letting go of the trottle and (also occasionally) the breaking starts/stops delayed. Can this be the enclosure?
Would it be better to drill a tiny hole in the enclosure and get the antenna out that way? Always open for better solutions, build or techwise.

Layout of the internals. on the left side you can see the antenna with just gets sandwiched and to the outside.
Like so.

More or less for future reference. I think i figured it out. seems the antenna placement was the problem after all. I switched the boardantenna to the other side to pretty much be in “line of sight” of the remote. (due to my stance and remotehand).
Secondly: I straightened out the antenna of the remote, which had a 90 degree curve in the enclosure. Just drilled a little hole in the Remote and lined everything up. When held normally it works as intended (had like 20 min of testing). When i hold the remote behind my back it the input is rather unstable.

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