The BMS from my Lou 3.0 seems to be fried after a short circuit in the DC charge connector. It only outputs 0,5-2v even when the 10s cells are almost full at around 40v.
Does anybody know a similar long slim shaped 10s BMS that I could replace it with? This one is about 17x115mm. There’s no space in the board for a more commonly shaped BMS.
Otherwise a suggestion which component could be replaced is also welcome but getting the exact specs might be not so easy.
I have sooooo many from dismantling scooter batteries. A little ghetto, but because they have simple passive cell balancing I’ve added them into my carbon GT’s paralleled with the existing and they do work.
They come from the batteries that went up the stalks of lime public scooters. Not sure what the discharge is but they are fused at 30A, so that or less, and have a separate small MOSFET for charge port. They’re Chinese, and the components are Chinese. I think I looked up some data sheets once and could only find component data sheets in Chinese.
If you get desperate enough to need one I could probably gift a handful, anymore likely a waste, but I’m in New Zealand and not sure what postage would be to wherever.
I assume you’ve applied full voltage charge back to the charge port since removing the short? The BMS won’t likely reset from a short without probably at least 40V applied.
I bought about 100 of them from a recycler for $1200. Buy now, think later. Turns out I thought of esk8.
Prior to this, it was head torch batteries for DH mountain biking - something I’ve done all my life starting out with SLA batteries and a 45W 24° split IRC halogen back in the 90’s.
Then, I figured out that commercial enclosures were optimised for 21700, didn’t suit my needs, freight was expensive, and that there was a fibreglass supplier in Christchurch.
My purchase was legitimate and I’m a law abiding (except when I’m on a board or about to get on one) adult.