Using Boosted Battery with FOCBOX Unity

I’m planning to use a Boosted SR battery with a FOCBOX Unity. I figured out how to use an Arduino to make the battery think it’s connected to a Boosted ESC.

Anyway, I don’t technically need to use the VESC settings to set the high/low voltage cutoff settings because the battery has a sophisticated BMS that can handle high current.

Are there any downsides to making the voltage settings like 0 V min, and 60 V max? I indeed to cap the current in the VESC at around 30A.

May the esk8 gods have mercy on your soul. RIP unity.

Yeah… It’s not a Blood Unity, at least I don’t think.

wow that’s clever.

current is not voltage. don’t be too clever. understand those settings.

unity is good at 12S I think the boosted SR batteries are 13S pushing things to the edge like that may exceed unity’s capabilities.

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