USA - Los Angeles - (CLOSED) Metro Board 155 tires Group Buy

Damn. I wish it was possible to find equivalent 150-155 tyres on ali :frowning:

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You’re not the only one mate.
They are available on Alibaba but big orders only and two month lead time (according to the rep)

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How big is big? :eyes:


Dunno bro.
The MOQ says 200.
I asked for a small ‘sample’ :joy: order of 12
Reply was “ Now the production is very busy. Factory only arrange bulk order production. and the lead time is more than 2 months now.”

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I think I need a ‘sample’ also.

Pop me the link, what’s the price at 200 units?

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Check out this product on Alibaba App Qingda Tire Scooter Tire 155x55 200X50 QD-326{"type":"appDetailShare","data":{"filterKey":"7.8.2_share","cacheTime":"1800000"}}

Assume if you order bulk you get lower rate

I’m pretty interested in making this happen.
never dealt much with alibaba. my hesistance/lack of knowledge there is the only thing holding me back.


I have messaged the vendor earlier to get indicative pricing to see what might be possible!

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freakin’ alibaba doesn’t switch between mobile vs desktop links well, here’s the desktop link


These metro board wheels are fucking sexy af. Kinda upset i didnt get more than one set!!!


The hero we need

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It says min order 200 though :persevere:

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i’ve been looking for a set also, i can take two sets if there isn’t enough moq

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200 is only 50 sets. Why not just let Ilan deal with that though, and buy from him? Serious question. $15x4 is not much less than his price.

if you guys want to do a group buy. I will buy 4 sets


Another group buy!?!? Id be down if we got some 200mm as well. Maybe 2 sets of each


I chew through the tires doing intro 2 speed. ( short course race practice in a parking lot) i need a more consumable price. that $40 difference is is another 2/3rs of a set at $15x4

but I was eying that $5.00x4 price… probably too a bit too optimistically.

but you’re not wrong. there has to be some overhead for bad tires to get replaced. that does narrow the gap.


I mean, I don’t know much, but I see something that says “MOQ 200” and something that says “$5 - $15” and something else that says “155x55” and “200x50”

…then I automatically assume they’re $15 per single tire unless you order 10,000 of them, and I also assume the $5 price is if you order 10k of the tires you don’t want (200x50)

and who does QC? If you get a bad one from Ilan, he’d have to replace it, but I feel like if you got bad ones from them, you’re SOL.

I mean, until I heard otherwise anyway, I’d assume that… but IDK really :man_shrugging:

Maybe you should just split an MOQ with Ilan :rofl:

His price is out of stock
And international shipping option he offered is crazy expensive. $70 for 4 tires ($99 order) was best he could offer. Or $120 for 2 sets… DHL express only.

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Ive asked them about prices on 200-600 tyres to get a guage for what they can offer us. Hopefully I can negotiate the price down a little.

Once I get to some concrete numbers, Ill post them up and see what the best option is. Only slight hiccup being that im EU. :eyes::thinking: