[USA] Getting Out Of Esk8 and Selling Everything

yeah would rather used also

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Buy me these 2 and I’ll get you one used one.

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what am I going to do with 5 motors? need 6-80

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Make a 4wd tricycle :joy:


I’m planning on making a hybrid AWD drift trike, engine only fires up when you need it.

front cheap hub motor from BCH… ok sorry OP

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Omg… this makes me so sad all I want to do is ride build and share it with other people this definitely makes me sad :pensive:

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this has been done and over for a while now, but you’re right. We should have just kept the idiotic drama and infighting going on in perpetuity, and let people read other people’s private messages to fuel the incredibly stupid high school level bullshit.

I’d rather build shit and post about building shit. But if you guys want that old vibe back, there’s always the lounge areas and PMs. Have at it.


Drama is shit, esk8 riding and building is where it’s at :metal:


Was there another great purge?

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Nope just the great Moderator Purge of 2020.


More like Child Drama Fest 2020 :rofl:

Or how about “everything that isn’t about electric skateboarding or PEVs: 2020 edition”


So how about them motors? They spin?

Yes they spin and power up fine.
The Maytech ones are new.

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What’s your favorite band and why’s it My Chemical Romance? :kissing_heart:

I would say things are calmer & better than ever. People come & go, plenty of folks have come back over the last few months. This place is what you make of it, and how much emotional energy you’re willing to allow it to take.


Good luck on the sale OP!

Edit: Damon I’m not sure why I replied to you. Habit? Uhhh, do we fight now? Kiss?



Sorry, @fessyfoo informed me I have media Turrets…


I mean they want the old times back. @jamie won’t fight with me, so maybe? Or we could make out i really don’t care either way as long as there are strong fruity cocktails and devil lettuce.


Everyone says they hate the drama until they are bored eh?

I miss the old, old times of you, Jeremiah, & Dave talking shit while JayPo took cocaine rectally and read everyone’s PMs openly like a speakeasy.

Jamie is a fulltime FBY instructor now, of course he won’t fight you. He can’t break those money makers.


those were the days. When arguing over whether or not 1 to 1 ratios were a good idea for triple gear drives on evolve motors. Also, i feel confident Old Pots would have the PMs printed and bound for toilet reading, and to blow happy dust off of.

Do you think he wears those tight pants that let people see what religion you are?


Well drama and cheerfull people laughing and saying weird stuff at eachother was part of the atmosphere and what made me love this forum

I’m not saying i’d leave the hobby because of that, but i miss when this was full of trolling and second degree, meantime know it’s more a “Facebook” place with super sweet people showing the world their sweetness.
Which is not a bad thing in se, just more facebook and less old school 9gag

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Facebook is a wretched hive of stupidity and willful ignorance. When I want to see anti feminist and anti LGBTQ memes involving confederate flags, foil hat anti vaxxer karens, and fucktarded walmart-shelf esk8 evangelists, I’ll head right over.

Fuck that noise here.