[USA] Barrels for Mountainboard Trucks - Soft Durometer - Yellow 4pcs/pack - $18.95

Do we need a promo code ? It says we have till the 6th. Would love to support but cant find the code @solice77

Esk8promo is the code. He says it right at the beginning of the ad!

what length m8? Have a picture by any chance? I have the dampers coming in today and would like to have the hardware ready

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responded to your dm

Not great qc

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Sorry, I’ve been rather absent. Got a little girl on the way!

I tried putting the price up to $28 because I wasn’t making any margin on them. Now they are at $16.85 or something. I am just selling them at cost and some just to cover shipping fees, commissions, etc. Trying to break even.

Won’t be bringing them again. Get’em while they last :slight_smile: