[US] WTS Malectrics Welder Kit *PRICE DROP*

For a sec I thought you modded some spark plugs :rofl:

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Haha that would be weird.

Im actually really impressed with how well this TPU insulates your hands from the heat. My previous “solution” was a bunch of layers of heat shrink and electrical tape, which gave you more time before they were too hot to hold, but also held the heat for a really long time, so once they got hot you were forced to take a break.

I have yet to get these noticeably hot. The copper tip of the probe can be hot enough to burn me, but the TPU is still just warm. Like magic.

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Bump for the weekend. Where all my future battery builders at ?

Taking reasonable offers y’all

I can’t believe nobody has snagged this yet.


Right?! Lol. Figured someone wanting to try their hand a building a battery would jump at a kit with everything needed. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Sold ! @longhairedboy please close

Dammit, was waiting till after Xmas.
Congrats to the new owner!

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Consider me interested :star2:


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What’s up Billy

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I’m confused by this thread. Did this sell 2 months ago and never close?

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It better have.

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i summon @xsynatic


Just start unzipping your fly and he’ll appear.


but then i need to put on my pants


Yeah this sold a while ago but it never closed

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Did i hear no pants?