SOLD - (US) WTS Carvon V4 Speed Drive XL - $325 (price reduced)

Yup, they are…excuse the photography background, I like making things look pretty. But yeah, I have 2 active kids and a 3rd on the way. These literally sat on a shelf looking at me for years. It’s time for the dream to go :frowning:


No man, in my opinion you’re living the dream already. Congrats on the and good luck with the new rugrat! I’m sure someone here will pick these up


buy them just so I can use your pictures to sell them again lol

some great lookin parts!


Thanks man, I’d have to agree with you :slight_smile: Yeah, not sure how popular vintage tech is but you can’t hate on the OGs!

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Hahaha, appreciate that. I just have fun

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brother… I’m interested… but can ya tell me which motor jerry based this version from?

definitely interested


Hmmm, I’m honest not sure, it was so long ago. Are you asking for the size?

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All I can remember is I had to pay the extra $100 for the XL.

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how much of a pain in the ass for you to open up one motor and show off your photog skillz with a pik or two of the stator and the magnets in the cans???


Ahhhh damn bro, not sure I have that patience or time. I’m sorry. Hmmm I can look back at the kick starter and see what pics Jerry had included of this project


I…I… really think it’d help you with your sale brother!!!

post those pix in the first post


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Think this helps?


any of the stator?

the magnets look



Unfortunately, after searching my emails I couldn’t find one pic of the stator! I may need to get into the motor for you tomorrow. But I did find this dialogue for more info:

Because of this, we have incurred higher than expected expenses. So we have decided to be more aggressive in selling on our website, including introducing the V4 SpeedDrive XL which is longer and has more torque (85kv vs. the 110kv of the original). The XL is the same motor as our much-loved V2.5, and now even better cause it comes with sensors.

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I believe these the glorious and true unobtanium indeed. I’ve only found the regular V3 speed drives in shitty shape. These are better V4 iirc…



I do think they might be the torque drives though… I thought V3 were speed drives and V4 were the more well rounded drives

maybe @Scepterr would know. He’s owned the same ones but he mightve sold his already

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I’m about 99% sure these are 6374 SK3 guts. I opened my XL’s a couple times and that’s what I think I remember (thanks, weed :roll_eyes:) . I’ll try to pop mine open for you and I also happen to have a dismantled 6374 SK3 in my workslop to compare against.


Another one?! Can’t imagine having that many mouths to feed. Congratulation Neil!

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