US [WTS] 12s2p P42A Batteries $199 shipped - Cheap and brand new

Bump :slightly_smiling_face:


:warning: Price drop - $225 shipped :warning:


I wish I had the need, GLWS!!!


Another price drop!!! $199 shipped.

Pls buy these :sob: they need a nice home to go to…

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Would these fit a 1200 pelican?

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They would, but one did just sell, so there is only one left.

Edit: Now that I think about it, it would have been tight with the height.

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The 1200 is quite tall.

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Yeah I think you’d have like 10mm to spare vertically, which between fasteners to the deck and foam it will get used up pretty quick.

Fits 5 vertical cells :man_shrugging: Granted that’s without foam… what do you mount you top mounts with?


For my Trampa I put nuts in a printed holder on the bottom of the case and bolts up through the bottom of the deck.

I’m new here and can’t figure out how to pay a thread yet, but I just bought a refurbished Meepo mini 2, which I love atm, but I bought it thinking I could buy another battery that fits in the housing with better range than the ER battery.

This one looks like it works, but I was wondering if anyone would point me in the direction I would need to go to learn about this? Also l, if you, the author of this thread are knowledgeable enough about building one of these, maybe I’d be interested in buying one from you so you can make a little as a tip for saving me time and energy? Thanks in advance?

Also, what is the max range a custom Meepo mini 2 battery could reach? From what I’ve seen so far, it would use Samsung q30 cells, but regardless of what cell, does anyone know?

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I meant, the battery in this thread looks like it works/fits in the mini 2 housing.

Do you know what range you currently get? The real range of any battery, including what the manufacturer claims, depends on rider weight, speed, and road conditions. If you know what you currently get then we can work out what mileage you get per Wh (the unit of energy in a battery) and give a decent estimate for what the max range would be for a bigger battery. Unfortunately it looks like this battery won’t fit in the current enclosure so you’d need to find something that fits as well.

Dimensions here

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looks clean

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Dude how have you not sold these yet!?


Imma bump you up….



Sold, please close @xsynatic



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