[US-NY] Big parts + eMTB board sale: Boardnamics drives, Apex Predator w.extras, Xenith ESC, Kenda tires, etc.

Post updated. Main things left – the awesome Apex-branded Haro Bro deck, with trucks, etc. Two Xenith ESCs, and Boardnamics gear drives (for which I’ll post more pics soon). Everything else in the top post remains valid. Surely someone needs more Kenda tires, right?

Ping me if anything in the list strikes your fancy, if you have questions, etc.

Thanks so much for the kind posts @Common_good and @383roadrunner!

Special thanks to @383roadrunner for trekking out to meet me in person and the NYCR mention.

For @hoytkid, and anyone else in NYC/Brooklyn/or just visiting:
NYC Resistor is a “hacker space” in Boerum Hill in Brooklyn. We’re on 87 3rd Ave., near Atlantic Terminal. We’re open regularly for free craft nights. Those are weekly on Mondays and Thursdays, and on first Fridays and third Wednesdays for masks-required events that help us to make sure that everyone can participate comfortably and safely. We do tons of classes and you can check our calendar to see what’s coming up.

We have tools, supplies, and good vibes.

We’re online at https://www.nycresistor.com and you can join us on Discord, even if you can’t participate in person.

I’ll drop this post if a tangent on my own sales thread is against forum rules.

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Esc enclosure arrived perfect as described with fast shipping :+1: thx