- SOLD$75 - 18s 8a lacroix fast charger
- SOLD $15 - dickyho 12mm belt pushfit kegel
- SOLD $110 - TB110 72a - unobtanium af. This the thane you want. Great wheels but I’m all pneumatics from here on out.
- SOLD $65 - Torqueboards all terrain pneumatic wheel set with 62t wheel pulleys. Comes with 2 extra tires. No bearings included.
- SOLD $75 - Mbs matrix ii mounts (lacroix mounts but they are standard 44mm motor bolt pattern). 16t motor pulleys. 2x used belts. 2x new belts. (Motor key not included).
- SOLD $75 - Radium riptide adapters, ti pins, hypertruck bushings.
- SOLD $50 - 5 kenda tires with tubes. 99% life left.
- SOLD $275 - xenith. This is the version that has imu & can chips. Works great. Comes with switch.
- SOLD $1200 - falcon drives, hyperrims, 130kv lacroix 6396 motors. Under 200 miles. Works great. No tires included.
- SOLD $275 - Stormcore 60d with switch. 100% working - no issues.
- SOLD $85 - onsra 115mm rubber wheels. Barely used. Comes with bearings
- SOLD $180 kweld kit
- SOLD $100 + shipping - Diy’d eboosted enclosure for maximum flex and backfire ranger flex deck.
- SOLD $200 - 2x TB6380 motors. 190kv. Brand new.
- SOLD $150 - 2x maytech 190kv 6374. No branding on the cans since these came off a lacroix jaws board. Work like new. Only used for 350 miles.
- SOLD $50 - 5x rockstar ii hubs.
- SOLD $30 + shipping - 12mm belt bkb push fit kegel 40t pulleys. (Black)
- SOLD $20 + shipping - OG enertion 180mm caliber style trucks
- SOLD $120 + shipping - Wowgo at2 bamboo deck (Deck only). This deck has the perfect amount of flex. This was going to be my next project but I have too many skateboards right now.
- SOLD $275 + shipping. BKB xenith v1 (has IMU, CAN). I put 4mm bullets on it but never used it. It might have been used before me - I’m not 100% sure.
- SOLD $60 + shipping - boardnamics motor mounts for surfrodz TKP (long dickyho plates also included since i drilled those out to fit on BN clamps). Dickyho long reverse mounts were adapted to fit the boardnamics truck mount, and let you mount up to 6380 motors, and do it drop through, with 15mm push fit pulleys. Comes with everything in the first photo below. Great for pneumatic and thane setups on TKP.
- SOLD $25 + shipping. Flipsky enhanced anti spark.
- SOLD $50 + shipping. Infinity sink universal heatsink with adapter plate.
- SOLD $225 + actual shipping. Tomiboi MTB deck & single stack enclosure with mounting hardware. (bamboo + fiberglass, mid-flex). Would be great for a street cruiser or MTB build. Beautiful deck, but I bought a lacroix, so not doing this DIY build anymore.
- SOLD - $650 shipped - Build kit boards BKB duo v1.1 - stock. 28mph / 20 mile range. Prefer local sale in the bay area.
- SOLD - $75 - 105d clouds for sale. The good/ newer version. Maybe 10 miles on these.
- SOLD - $60 shipped - Blue Caguamas in good used condition.
- SOLD - $45 shipped - enertion motor mounts
- SOLD - eboosted evolve gt enclosure is gone - deck is still for sale
- SOLD Surfrodz TKP 177mm with 10mm boardnamics axles installed, and riptide cups and bushings, spacers and bearings to fit normal skate wheels.
- SOLD - $50 shipped - OG Moon drive parts.