[US] Bioboard Plutonium 2S Pro 4wd

Plutonium 2S Pro 4wd, +charger, +hoyt remote

Description: Last fall I ordered a custom build from MBoards and Plutonium 2S thinking that it would be fun to have two different boards but now I realize it’s annoying because every time I switch boards it takes time for the brain to adjust before I can comfortably carve at 30-40mph.

The board is two months old with 130mi on it. It’s in perfect condition except for minor paint damage on the rear axle which is pretty much inevitable during normal use. The board has never been ridden offroad or in wet conditions.

I’m in Washington, so local pick-up will be preferable otherwise shipping at the buyer’s expense.

Price (USD): $4000 (original price $5549 - 28%)



Hey @dennis your post looks legit, but since you are a brand new user, you may want to put up a photo of the board that includes a piece of paper your username and today’s date written on it. We’ve seen scammers try to pull stunts on the forum before, so this is just a friendly precaution. :slight_smile:



I’m curious. What did you get from MBoards that you prefer over the Bio?

custom build: 4wd, 14s12p, Reacher 6485 motors, NewBee gear drives, Matrix III trucks, and Khymera deck from Kynd boards.

My priority is carving and I prefer the feel of Matrix trucks and the concave of the Khymera deck.
Plutonium is not a slouch by any stretch of the imagination but the combination of 14s12p and Reacher 6485 motors is more powerful than Bioboard’s setup.

I would recommend MBoards to anyone who wants a custom build. Over the years I owned top specs boards from Kaly, Lacroix, and Bioboard and this custom build is the best board I’ve ever had.



Very nice! Now it make sense. Both boards are amazing but I can see why you like the feel of the MBoard. And that’s quite an endorsement considering the boards you’ve had. good to know